CHAPTER 42: Operation: Save Ellie Todoroki

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{Ellie Todoroki}

"A hero in the system only cares about money and glory. And since society are buying into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser is shoved aside. So we want to pose some questions about what is a hero, what is justice, is the society truly fair so everyone will be asking. That is when we have won. And you two like winning, don't you? Magne, let her go" Shigaraki said, staring at us.

"Shigaraki, she's still recovering, let Twice do it" Kurogiri said.

"Sure thing, Shigaraki!" another villain said as he approached me.

"Well screw you if we ever think of joining you and that will never change, do you understand!" I said to them.

Now I am standing in front of the villains ready to attack.

{Izuku Midoriya}

"So let me gut this straight, you are going to get Yaoyorozu to make another receiver to track a bad guy and then try and save Ellie but she has to think it over?" I asked.

"Yeah, we will find out her decision tonight. Meet us at the front of the hospital after it's dark" he said before he left the room.

Then my phone went off and I saw that it was mom calling me and I answered the call. 

My Phone 📱


"Hi mom. Yeah, I am getting discharged but there is something that I have to do so I will not be back until tomorrow or so" I said over the phone.

"Ok. Promise me that you will be careful Izuku" she said.

"I promise that I will" I said.

Call Ended


It is after dark and I am heading to the front of the hospital to meet up with Kirishima. When I got there, I saw Kirishima, Yaoyorozu and Iida. Todoroki managed to be here too.

"Hey Midoriya, you made it!" Kirishima exclaimed with a toothy grin.

"Yaoyorozu, did you decide?" I asked.

"I did. I am joining you as backup, I will stand by my classmates!" she said, proudly.

"Me too, I would join you as backup as well" Todoroki said.

"You are the best Yaoyorozu, Todoroki...let's go get Ellie!" I said.

The five of us were heading towards the train station.

"Did you guys tell the rest of the class about this, do they know what we are doing tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah and they tried their best to talk us out of it" Kirishima said.

"Yeah, even Uraraka ganged up on us, including me trying to talk them out of it" Iida joined in.

"Just to make sure we are going against everyone's wishes and being completely selfish about this, we can still pull this off if we want to" Yaoyorozu said to us.

"What about you Todoroki?" Kirishima asked.

"She is like a sister to me so I need to get her back, for her dad's sake" Todoroki said.

"I see, alright then" he said.


"So this is Kamino Ward?" I said.

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