CHAPTER 43: All Might Vs AFO

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{Izuku Midoriya}

Pro Heroes have arrived on the scene where the five of us are standing behind a wall.

Mt. Lady, Best Jeanist, Tiger and Gang Orca have stopped the Nomus in time and everything seemed to be going fine until...


Pro Hero Best Jeanist has been taken down right in front of my eyes.

'Hopefully All Might has found Ellie. All of us are in trouble here, we have to get out of here' I thought, standing with fear behind the wall with the others.

*Cough* *Cough*

"That hurt!" Ellie said while she is trying to breath.

"Pebble!" I said.

"You are ok, right!" the others said.

"Ellie!" Shoto said.

{Ellie Todoroki}

I am outside with the other villains trying to catch our breath when...

"My apologies Todoroki" a man said to me.

"Huh?" I said.

"Master" we heard Shigaraki say to the man in front of me.

"So you have failed Tomura? But you must not be discouraged, you will try again. That is why I brought your associates back with you. This child because you judged her since she was an important piece on your game board" the man said to Shigaraki.

{Shoto Todoroki}

My body can't move like I am frozen in fear.

'I can't freak out now. I have to remember that my body can't move and I let them take her away from me and my family, just to save us. Being scared is no excuse, she is right there in front of me. There is at least 6 or 7 meters separating me and Ellie. I could at least try and get her and try to run away but that would put everyone else in danger. That will not work, I need a plan! I need to find a way to get to her!' I thought to myself.

"If I can't do that, this will be for nothing!" I mentally yelled at myself.

We have to get away but how?

{Ellie Todoroki}

"I will have you return my student All for One! Have you have come to kill me a second time All Might" the man said to All Might in front of me.

"No, there are too many of them" All Might said.

It took you long enough to find us! You have gotten weaker All Might.

"Your the one to talk, it is kinda difficult to ignore that fancy life support mask you got on, aren't you overexerting yourself!" All Might yelled at the villain.

'He is holding All Might back with his bare hands, this must be the boss villain' I thought to myself as I landed on the ground, watching the scene in front of me.

"I won't make the same mistake 5 years ago and I will take Young Todoroki back and make certain you are locked up for the rest of you life, right along with you disciples in the LOV, you hear me?" he called out, charging at AFO.

"It sounds like you got your work cut out for you, this will be hard for us both!" All for One said as he used his wind quirk, pushing All Might into a building.

"All Might!" I called out as I watched what happened.

"Don't worry, it will take more than that to kill him" All for One said as he started up his quirk again.

A Pro Hero's Daughter {E. Kirishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now