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୨⎯ Chapter 13⎯୧
"Helms Deep"

୨⎯ Chapter 13⎯୧"Helms Deep"

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AS I LOOKED UP at the sky while riding on the back of Legolas's horse, a mix of emotions swirled within me. Despite my lingering frustration with him, he insisted on being my sole companion in light of recent battlefield events. Thus, there I sat, beholding the grandeur of Helms Deep's towering gates, a sight unlike any other.

With a creak, the gates parted once more, and the soldiers heralded the arrival of Theoden, their voices resounding throughout the fortress. "Make way for Theoden!" they proclaimed. "Make way for the King!" echoed another voice.

As we traversed the fortress, my attention was drawn to the two children we had aided earlier, now safely reunited with their mother. Upon noticing my glance, she acknowledged me with a nod of gratitude. Meanwhile, Theoden spoke solemn words of our hard-won safety, juxtaposed against the heavy toll of lives lost, as he dismounted to aid a wounded soldier.

Legolas was the first to dismount, turning back to assist me in alighting from the horse. Hindered by a poorly wrapped wound, I relied on his support. Though I avoided meeting his gaze, my focus turned to Eowyn as I inquired about medical assistance for my injury sustained from a warg.

"Our people are safe. We have paid for it with many lives," Theoden declared solemnly as he dismounted, assisting a wounded man.

Legolas dismounted first, before turning back to help me down. Due to my wound that had been poorly wrapped, I was unable to get down myself. He lifted me down as I turned my body, landing softly on my feet. I still refused to meet his gaze after our fight as I spoke to Eowyn, "Is there a healer I can see? I need medical attention. Stupid warg slashed me." I stated, pointing towards my wound.

Eowyn let out a gasp as she finally noticed the blood seeping through the abdominal bandage that I had done. I refused the help of others, still feeling quite overwhelmed from Aragorns death and my argument from earlier. I felt terrible about yelling at him, although I was made at Legolas I knew I should not have taken it out on him. Now he was gin and I could never mend our friendship.

She spoke loudly hoping someone would step forward to our aid. Thankfully they did, a nice elderly woman had stepped forward immediately offering her services. "Come my child, let's get you fixed." She said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and pulling me away from the group.

I noticed Legolas was still looking at me as I crossed the fortress, his gaze offering a form of apology. At this point I had become to tired I didn't have the energy to respond. So instead I turned back, walking with this lady as she guided me to where all other wounded were being kept.

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