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I walked towards that girl unknowingly. Her fragrance was so enchanting that I was lost in it. As I stared at that girl standing behind her, she flipped her hair back which hit me straight on my face.

“Ouch”, I winced as some of her hair went into my eyes.
She immediately turned back on hearing my voice.

“Oh my God! I am really very sorry. I didn't notice you behind” she said apologising.

“It's okay,” I replied, trying to look at her a bit longer. But I guess she was getting a bit doubtful of me standing just behind her. Therefore, to divert her mind I turned my face towards the receptionist standing there.

“What is happening here?” I asked the receptionist while dabbing my handkerchief on my eye. I tried to ignore that girl because I knew that if I stared at her a bit longer, it would become so embarrassing for us and I might be called a stalker in her mind for my deeds.

“ Sir, they wanted to meet Dr. Tarun Mahajan but are here without any appointment.” She informed me.

Before I could say anything, that girl replied “ We are from News Bharat Media. Our editing manager had talked with the Medical Director for this interview earlier and he only told us not to take any appointments since it would take a lot of time. ”

“But we haven't got any such information from Dr. Tarun. Hence, I can't let you go like this ” the receptionist replied.


The girl tried to speak but I cut her and said, “Okay wait, I'll call Dr. Tarun and ask him. It is a possibility that he might have forgotten. Wait ..”

I went aside to call Tarun. He's been a good friend of mine since college days and I know about his habit of forgetting things sometimes. He confirmed the interview thing on call and I went back to where that girl was and said,
“ Dr. Tarun had forgotten to inform the receptionist yesterday due to his busy schedule. You can go and meet him.”

“Thank you so much Dr..”

“Apurv. Dr. Apurv Singla”

“Dr. Apurv. Thank you”

“You're welcome. By the way, shall I drop you till his cabin? I guess you haven't been here before and might need help.”

I don't know why I asked this to her but I regretted saying this as soon as these words left my mouth. That girl stared at me with her small eyes and the camera person who was holding the tripod in his hand broke our staring session and replied, “ yes please doctor. It would be great if you could help us out.”

I nodded in agreement and started walking ahead of them with the image of the girl's eyes still lingering in my head and trying to ignore the camera boy who just broke a beautiful moment between us!

Hi Folks!
I hope you all are doing well 😊

Here's the next chapter of the story. Please vote and comment your views on it. It really motivates a lot.

See you soon!

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