Grabbing a Bite Rosie's POV

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"CLASS DISMISSED" Ms Clark yelled, "congratulations students, good luck to all of you and I'm happy to see you all grow from
The adolescents that made my blood boil to the young adults that make.. no, made my blood boil, regardless I love you all"

Looking around the classroom it was what people would call golden hour the classroom was covered in golden shimmering light and the sun was setting.

I saw friend groups sobbing into each other's arms, Lovers hugging each other tightly and people hurrying out of class.
It felt really bittersweet.

I wonder if me and Zia will get separated..

I've always wanted to be an artist and she wants to be a marine biologist, does that mean she'll be going on adventures riding the ocean waves and I'll probably be stuck in a one bedroom apartment nearly going broke from expensive art supplies?..

Hey Zia...

I turned my head to realize, ZIA ALREADY LEFT THE CLASSROOM WITHOUT ME??

Then as if right on cue Zia ran back to the classroom obviously winded

"ROSIE!! I got so excited that highschools over that I ran out of the classroom right after Ms Clark made her speech"

"ROSIE!! I got so excited that highschools over that I ran out of the classroom right after Ms Clark made her speech"

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"Why are you looking at me like that"

"Why are you looking at me like that"

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After almost forgetting about me,
Zia grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the classroom with her.

luckily I was able to grab my bag before she started running, I watched as she ran through the halls not letting herself overthink about all the negative things that can happen after Highschool she's just enjoying the moment.. with me.

Once we made it out of school I couldn't help but feel a huge wave of sadness, I already know for a fact we won't go to college together, so who'll copy my assignments now? Who'll cry to me for getting 3 out of 25 in a quiz now?. Who's supposed to make me laugh like I have no problems in the world now? I know I can make more friends but who can replace her?

Zia turned to me and looked at me confused "Rosie? Are you ok why are you just standing there?"

I snapped back to reality and all I could answer was yeah I'm fine.

Zia grabbed my hand and started to lead me towards the milk tea store she promised to treat me to "you were so quiet I started getting concerned!" After that she chuckled "I mean you're usually quiet but it seemed like there was something i don't know.. are you really sure you're ok?"

All I could do was smile, "Yeah and you better not make me repeat what I said Zee!"

Zia laughed "Zee where did that come from?! HAHAHA whatever you say Madame"

The walk to the milk tea store was quiet, it was unlike Zia since she's usually chatting up a storm

Once we finally reached the store
There it was quite small, it's what you would call a "hole in the wall" in the whole establishment
Had only four seats.

"Hey Rosie what flavor do you want?" Zia smiled at me she's the type of person when she smiles her eyes smile with her too it's a feature of hers that I admire.

I grabbed a very old menu The others were like it too so it didn't matter what type of menu you pick they're all sticky, you could tell it was used multiple times, probably suffered through a few spills in its life time, I grabbed the menu from the counter it had tape over it and changed price's, you just know they were cheaper before.

I took a look at the menu,
Cheese cake,Red Velvet, Cookies and Cream, Okinawa.. knowing Zia she'd probably choose that and last but not least Taro.

Zia, I tapped her shoulder I told her one Taro milk tea please with

Right after that in a really really loud voice she said "BOSS MAN ONE TARO AND OKINAWA MILK TEA PLEASE BOTH WITH PEARLS!"

After that she got yelled at to quiet down.

I laughed and told her that's what she gets for always being so noisy!

She answered in a teasing voice that "I'm only noisy when I'm around you cuz I love youuu"

I scoffed.

Zia then pointed at my bag
"So you gonna continue ranting about pink hair and pretty boy? Or..."

YES! I answered with no hesitation at all!

It's so annoying how Lavender
Treats Josephine! It's not her fault the prince fancy's her. and her parents got into a really unfortunate circumstance! She's literally done nothing wrong to Lavender and she still gets abused and picked on By Lavender and the other girls in the harem! YES THE OTHER GIRLS! lavender turned them into her minions and now they do her bidding!

While I was Explaining the character dynamics to Zia I didn't even notice that the milk teas were already placed Infront of us and it was already quite dark out.

So fearing for our safety I told Zia we should just grab the milk teas and start walk back home because it's getting dark out, she sighed then she got up and grabbed our bags.

I don't need that attitude young lady! I awnsered her teasingly

She replied with "Oh shut up mom.." we both laughed quite loud after that, she laughs like an absolute hyena like a duck that has asthma like a car horn I can give dozens of examples and it would still be accurate her laugh would cause you to laugh since it's absolutely hilarious the face and the sounds she makes causes me to wheeze.

We decided to drink our milk teas while walking home

As we were crossing the street
Zia laughed and asked me a question "Hey wouldn't it be funny if we got Isekaied?"

Before I could answer
I got hit by a white light that stinged my eyes my ears started to ring!

Before everything went to black I could only think of one thing..

My greatest regret!
The wasted boba on the floor..

Then it went dark.
As my eyes started to flutter open..

They immediately closed back.

MY HEAD WAS ABSOLUTELY KILLING ME! My vision was so blurry.. my sides were aching so badly it was like I got hit by a truck!

As I regained my senses I realized I was in a room that looked like a replica of a medieval bedroom you would see in a history museum. And my hair it was.. PINK?!

My mom would absolutely kill me if she finds out I dyed my hair! But that's then I looked at the mirror and realized

I was now the main character of
Trapped in the crown prince's harem, Josephine Stirling.

As I was just starting to calm down I heard.. cackling it sounded a lot like a hyena and.. Table slamming? And that's when I pieced two and two together..

That must be Zia.

we got hit by a truck and woke up in a haremWhere stories live. Discover now