Last day of school

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I was peacefully sleeping.. then all of a sudden I violently get shaken awake by my father!

"Zia it's 6:30A.M"

HUH?! You should've woken me up earlier!!

Then he told me "I tried but you slept through it"

Then I had to get ready for school two times faster just to make sure I won't get late again! And after all that I'm still late..

Rosie Chuckled Oh Zia.. I thought you said new year new you?

"Awh Rosie come on! I mean who actually follows their new year's resolutions, You do it the day after new years and you never do it again!.. HEY Don't laugh at me like that!"

Rosie laughed even more! But it's just so funny..

Zia stares at Rosie completely shocked "HOW IS THAT FUNNY?!"


Zia Looked over to Teacher then leaned over to Rosie and whispered "SHIYET"

"Ms Jackson lower your voice! I know it's your last day of highschool but that doesn't mean you must lose your manners!"

Zia then turned to her Left and saw Rosie barely able to hide her smile.

Zia sighed "Yes Ms Clark it won't happen again.."

Ms Clark pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath "It's the last day of school and this class still gets on my nerves.."

Rosie smirks "You're having a great day aren't you Zia?"

Zia Looks Rosie straight in the eyes. That's sarcasm isn't it?..
We literally have nothing to do and Ms Clark still acts like there's a stick up her ass..

Zia's eyes shift to a book Rosie's reading

Stuck in the crown prince's harem? What kind of story is that!

Rosie flushes red "what's wrong! It's a pretty good story"

Zia scoffs, I highly doubt that but whatever tickles your fancy.

Rosie smiles "at least let me try to convince you! This book is my hyper fixation right now!"

Zia looks down at the books cover it's purple with a girl with pink hair and a blonde haired prince holding hands staring at each other lovingly with their blue eyes

"The light skin stare is REAL, so what's it about?"

Rosie stares at Zia extremely unamused and disappointed she doesn't utter a word, she just stares. "Anyways-"

Rosie "I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED! so basically the female lead pink haired girl her name's Josephine Stirling, a peasant from the country side that caught the crown prince's eye! So the prince smitten by her beauty was like.."

Rosie impersonates the prince "You're pretty!.. and poor. I'll take good care of you and give you a life of luxury, as long as you join my harem!"

"And because pink hair isn't stupid she was like" Rosie then impersonates the female lead
"Umm no way boy"

But later on in the story her parents get really sick and she doesn't have enough money to care for them so she's like panic mode, but then she remembers the crown prince's offer and is like DANG IM GONNA HAVE TO ROMANCE THE RICH KID.

So things happen, she joins the crown prince's harem but of course things ain't that easy..

Zia smiles seeing how happy Rosie seems to be ranting about the love story

Rosie then looks at Zia seriously
"Then that's where the antagonist steps in! Lavender Lockwood!
you'd think she's nice from her name but she's the complete opposite! She's absolutely obsessed with the crown prince
and is SUPER mad that a peasant girl is getting all of his attention!
The only reason she's even in the harem is because she's rich and power reasons. And basically she makes Josephine's life hell."

Zia rolls her eyes sounds like a huge bitch.

Rosie nods her head quickly "She very much is.. anyways Zia...

Zia was about to hand Rosie the water bottle but she instead snatches it from Zia's hand
Rosie then processed to chug the water bottle.

Zia smiles,"after talking that much It's clear to see why you're parched. Hey! Tell ya what I'll treat you to boba later after school then you can tell me more about this book your so obsessed with"

Rosie places the empty water down the table. DOES THAT MEAN YOU'RE GONNA START READING IT?

Zia slowly turns her head towards Rosie "Haha No."

we got hit by a truck and woke up in a haremWhere stories live. Discover now