Chapter 7 - Mario

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I must apologies for how long it took for this chapter to come out. Unfortunately, I don't have any excuse except that I am a procrastinator, sadly. I hope you enjoy, and I hope I can get the next chapter out faster. Sorry, if this one is a bit weird(as in it doesn't align with canon), I had trouble coming with something for pebbles, but this idea piqued my interest. 

<3 Ren


//TW// bit of swearing/suicidal ideation//


"You useless piece of shit! "

It was cold. The stone floors echoed as 2 pairs of footsteps hurried through.

"I gave you one job, and you mess it up?!"

One was tramping in long strides while the other stumbled behind.

"A simple mission. And you struggle to fucking complete it."

A loud slam was heard all throughout the hall as a steel door was thrown open. Seconds later, a young man was tossed inside the room as a shadow stood tall at the entrance.

"I overestimated you, and because of that, you fucking failed. But don't worry, I'll make sure that you never do that again."

The shadow slowly stalked to the crumpled figure. When they were close enough, they forcefully yanked the boy's chin up to make eye contact.

"I'll make sure that this time-" the shadow leant closer and whispered in his ear, "-you actually learn your lesson,"

With that, the shadow stormed out of the icy stone cell as the door slammed shut behind them. The boy couldn't make himself feel relieved though because he knew that his "master" would be back.




Mario groaned as he forced himself to sit up to rest against the icy brick wall. His body hurt. Fortunately, it was soreness and some bruises, nothing too serious and nothing he wasn't used to already. Mario glanced back at the hard steel door that he left through.

Things will probably get worse once he gets back.

Whenever he was told he needed to learn his lesson, it was never with a textbook and teachers. You know just what you expect a lesson to be. But no.

All Mario had was his Master and whatever torture device he decided to use based on his mood. And based on his reaction as he stormed out of the cell, it is not going to be fun.

Maybe this time I'll actually fucking die.

He doesn't even know how he has been holding on to his life this long. Why he keeps fighting not to give up. It always confuses Mario. He doesn't have anything or anyone to live for, not anymore. Ever since Earthus disappeared, that has been the case.

So, why do I keep holding on?

Mario shook his head and ignored the way his ongoing headache grew to the point where he felt lightheaded. It is not the time to have an existential crisis.

Taking a deep breath and resting his head on the cooling brick wall seemed to help take his crisis thoughts away. Which made him a bit calmer even though he shouldn't be this calm in this situation when oncoming torture is in his predictable future.

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