Chapter 1:Intro

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Y/N wakes up in his bed lazily as he looks around his empty apartment

The white haired male gets up and puts on his outfit before leaving his apartment and heading over to the academy

Once Y/N entered the room all the girls turned their attention to him and began to fan-girl

Random girl classmate 1:OMG Y/Ns here

Sakura:He looks so hot as usual

Ino:I know right there's no chance in hell you can get with you

Sakura:Huh what'd you say Ino-pig

Ino:You heard what I said billboard brow

Ino and Sakura look at each other with intensity before noticing Y/N sitting down next to Sasuke which made them fan-girl harder

While the girls were being fan-girls Tenzo enters the class and sees the fan-girls and gets a little agitated along with another blonde haired whiskered ninja who felt the same thing as Tenzo

Tenzo and Naruto Uzamaki stand on the desk in front of Sasuke and Y/N and gave them menacing glares

Tenzo:Idk what the girls see in you they're all being fan-girls over nothing

Y/N:Tenzo get off of my desk

Tenzo:What are you going to do if I don't

Y/N:I'll move you with force

Tenzo:I'd like to see you try

Y/N grabs Tenzo's leg and throws him towards the board

Tenzo recovers mid-air and lands on the ground while Naruto gets pushed by another student which makes him kiss Sasuke however both of them quickly back away and begin to cough in disgust

The girls beat up Naruto for this while Tenzo goes up towards his seat which was next to another Uchiha who was named Kiyomi

The girls beat up Naruto for this while Tenzo goes up towards his seat which was next to another Uchiha who was named Kiyomi

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Kiyomi:Wow Tenzo Y/N really threw you like you were nothing

Tenzo:He caught me off guard

All of the talking stopped when Iruka entered

Iruka states how the class will be split in three-man squads

Iruka begins to call out the teams until he says Team 7 and Team 11

Iruka:Team 7:Naruto Uzamaki,Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha

Naruto:Iruka Sensei what were you thinking of saddling a most excellent shinobi like myself with that loser

Iruka:Out of the 29 of you Sasuke and Y/N have the best grades while you are at the bottom of the class the idea is to balance your different strengths that's why you ended up together

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