We all began making our way there, with Shourinji, Megame, Kabeyama, and Shishido leading the pack. Endou followed closely behind, bringing Domon and Kageno along with him. In a moment of panic, Domon grabbed onto Kazemaru's shoulder, inadvertently taking the boy with him.

Somewhere in the middle of the group, Someoka and Handa walked side by side, engaged in a deep conversation that showcased the strength of their bond.

Towards the back of the group, I walked at a slower pace, the sound of my cane echoing against the pavement, oblivious to the lively chatter around me.

Ichinose soon joined my side, surprising Kidou and Shuuya, who couldn't fathom how well we got along despite our contrasting personalities. They walked alongside us, curious about our camaraderie.

The dynamic between Ichinose and I was certainly a topic of discussion, sparking some rumours, but it did serve as a welcome distraction from the overwhelming amount of information Nanami and Hitori bombarded me with.

Mukata's triplets seemed to be on a mission to undermine both me and Shuuya, but fortunately, my accomplishments spoke for themselves, leading to disbelief on their part and resulting in frustration and anger.

Despite their claims that we were a hindrance, it was evident that the team actually missed having me around, as per Nanami's subtle hints. However, I couldn't shake off the feeling that Nanami and Hitori would soon start spreading the news about my injury, preventing me from playing.

It appeared that Ichinose, Shuuya, and Kidou were observant enough to notice the slight wavering of my eyes. Despite acknowledging their words and comments with a nod or a hum, I deliberately chose to respond with only subtle gestures.

Surprisingly, they didn't push for more information or delve deeper into the matter, at least for now. I am genuinely grateful that they respected my need for space and allowed me the time to contemplate.

Additionally, I have been reminded on multiple occasions that my birthday is approaching. I couldn't help but catch snippets of hushed conversations hinting at a surprise party being planned in my honour.
My thoughts were not solely consumed by this matter... Upon reflection, what lies beyond the Football Frontier?

My mother is urging me to walk in her footsteps... I am compelled to reach absolute perfection. There can be no room for excuses...

I am left wondering why I was the one involved in the accident. Why is it that I am the one facing consequences for something that wasn't my fault?

A trembling exhale escaped my lips as I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me.


The sound of a sweet, melodious voice saying my name snapped me out of my reverie.

With a perplexed expression, Ichinose tilted his head as he graciously held the door of Endou's house open for me, a gesture that lasted longer than expected.

As Shuuya descended the stairs, his eyes softened as he approached me, extending a helping hand in a kind gesture.

In response, I mustered the best smile I could, grasping his hand and with the help of the cane walked to the door, expressing my gratitude to both of them, and together, the three of us made our way inside the house.

As the boys' conversation filled the living room with energy, I quietly excused myself and headed towards the kitchen, my footsteps muffled by the sound of their laughter and banter.

I peeked through the door, walking inside the kitchen, seeing a woman cooking near the stove.

She is wearing an orange shirt and white trousers. Her hair colour is light brown, and her eyes are black. She also has freckles.

《My way of doing things 》OC x Inazuma elevenWhere stories live. Discover now