《Chapter 5》

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Endou Mamoru POV:
Next day we gathered in our clubroom

"After playing against Teikoku, I now understand what our weaknesses are"

I say, looking around at teammates


"Instead of talking about our weaknesses, we should first focus on building up our endurance."

Matsuno said, leaning back on the tires in the corner

Everyone looked at him sweatdropping before the gloomy atmosphere occurred

"Oh, sorry... Did that hit the nerve?"

"Endou, please continue.."

Kazemaru said as I turned around to write at the whiteboard

"Well... our lack of endurance is an obvious one. Therefore, I thought up this formation"

I say before looking back at the team

"It's based on the information in Grandpa's notebook"

"Ehh? I'm not a forward?!"

Megame asked, sulking

"How can you say that after you deserted the match?"

Handa deadpanned next to Kurimatsu

"I'd prefer that you call it a strategic withdrawal"

Megame said, fixing his glasses

Whole team sweatdropped

"Um, Captain"


"Will you be asking Goenji-san to join us?

Someoka looked displeased at Shishido's comment

"That's right, after all, the one goal we scored was all thanks to Goenji-kun"

Megame added

"We'd never be able to pull off a move like that at our current level"

Kabeyama sulked, Someoka angered

"That was not the right way"

Someoka said, standing up with a fist in air

"I'll show you all what true soccer is"


Everyone is surprised

Aki opened the door

"Oh, Did something happen?"

"Oh... It's nothing"

I say nervously

"We have two guests, please come in"

Aki said, making a way for them to enter

Natsumi entered and behind her...


I exclaim, mouth open

Natsumi ignored that remark, looking around before saying

"It's normal for vice-president to be with President of Student Council"

Team widened the eyes, me as well, before Natsumi spoke up again

"It stinks"

She said, looking at the sides of clubroom, Suzuki silently agreeing

"Why did you bring her and that girl here?"

Someoka asked Aki

"She told me that she had something to say, Suzuki-san too"

《My way of doing things 》OC x Inazuma elevenWhere stories live. Discover now