"wanna hang"

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"Ughhhh" I groan rolling over turning my alarm off and getting up

I see Bailey sitting on her bed I nod to her then I get ready I look at my script I had to change 5 times that day and then film for 10 hours Kayla Lacey Olivia and Bailey would probably stay for 5-7 hours then leave while I keep filming. Great. This was gonna be a long ass day. I change into yoga pants and then I throw on a baggy T-shirt putting a hoodie over the shirt. My hair was up in a Fishtail braid and I had on plain white socks. Bailey was in leggings with a hoodie all black she also had on heavy makeup. My makeup was mascara and lip gloss that was all she had eyeliner lipstick blush contour powder all the shablam. We head downstairs I pour milk in my bowl then put in the cereal Bailey does the opposite, putting the cereal in then milk. We both see there's only big spoons left

"Oh come on first it's breakfast at 3:00 am then there's no little spoons" I groan already done with today

Bailey pays my back and we eat in silence then Olivia comes downstairs

"Oh hey Liv" I say my mouth full of cereal not chewed though that's gross

"Hey y/n hey Bailey Lacey should be down in 3..2..1" she says right as she hits one Lacey comes downstairs

"Hey guys how are you all" Lacey says

"Peachy" me and Bailey say at the same time

|time skip because I have no self control|

It's the end of the day me Lacey Olivia Bailey and Kayla are walking to the car that awaits us. It was a very nice van it was black and very shiney. When we get there I step out then the others I grab my bag then they all grab their bags I make sure everyone has everything then we walk inside I sign in but I get stopped.

"Hey y/n we get to film together today" Lizzie and Tom say at the same time

"Ooooo sounds fun this is Kayla Olivia Bailey and Lacey" as I say their names I point to them we were aloud to have close friends and family on set as long as they didn't spoil anything according to the directors

"Hi guys nice to meet you all" Lizzie says


"TOM" I say jokingly as I hit his arm lightly

"What I was excited to see you" Tom laughs

"Ok go finish filming I need to be in there soon for filming I'll see you then ok" I tell Tom

"Ok fine" Tom pouts

"Ok bye Tarzan" I say as I wave good bye and head to my trailer Tarzan was my nickname for tom because spider man swings from web to web like Tarzan swings from vine to vine

"Bye copycat" Tom says it was his nickname for me because I could become another person and act like them perfectly

"Bye Lizzie" I wave goodbye and head to my trailer

"OH.MY.GOD THAT WAS SOO COOL." Kayla Lacey and Olivia say at the same time.

"Yea so do you wanna stay in the trailer or do you wanna sit on the floor and watch us film" I ask grabbing a scrunchy and putting my hair in a pony tail

"I wanna watch you film" they all say

"Ok let's go then" I say as I walk out of the trailer them following me

We get to the room we film in and I have them sit down as I go to hair costume and makeup. After some time I come out I was wearing a ripped tight long sleeved shirt with ripped leggings I had fake cuts and blood all over me the pants were a dark green the shirt a black my shoes were some platforms they were holographic about 6 inches tall my hair was up in a high pony tail with a 4 strand braid I had on some fake lashes on with eyeliner and brown eyeshadow they kept my eyes the same one red one purple (or whatever color you want your eyes to be)

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