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As I watched Aanya from across the room, a tumult of emotions surged within me, conflicting and chaotic. Her presence stirred something deep within my ancient soul, a longing I had long since buried beneath layers of ice and indifference. Yet, try as I might to resist, her magnetic pull only seemed to strengthen with each passing moment. 

Caught between the allure of her essence , i can't ignore the tension between the Darkwoods and the Vales reached a fever pitch, I couldn't shake the memory of the animosity that had festered between our families for centuries. 

The rift between us had deepened when the Vales broke the sacred contract by hunting humans for blood—a violation that had sparked outrage among our kind. In exchange for ceasing their illicit activities, the Vales had received an extra 10 percent share in the DV Group, a concession that had only served to further fuel the simmering resentment between our families.

Feeling the weight of Damien Vale's predatory gaze on Aanya Sharma, my irritation peaked, and I decided to break his attention from her.  I initiated a conversation with the Vales to divert Damien's focus.

"Damien," I began, my tone measured but firm, "how fares your family these days?"

His gaze snapped to mine, momentarily distracted from Aanya, as he regarded me with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.

 "Ah, Adrian," he replied, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes, "Our family is as well as can be expected, given the circumstances. It's better, if you watch out yours."

Damien. Among the three Vale siblings he is the one i hate the most. I can't explain how much i want to kill him. 

Alexander, sensing the tension, stepped forward, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Let's not dwell on old grievances, shall we? We're here to celebrate, after all."

Cassandra Vale, her presence as commanding as her brother's, stepped forward, her gaze locked onto mine with a hint of challenge. 

"Indeed, Alexander," she remarked, her voice laced with thinly veiled contempt. "But some wounds never truly heal, do they?"

Nike, couldn't resist a jab at our rivals. "Come now, Cassandra, where's your sense of camaraderie?" he quipped, his grin filled with mischief. 

"We're all just here to have a good time, aren't we?"

Dominic, his gaze unreadable yet filled with a simmering intensity, spoke up for the first time. "Regardless of our personal differences, we must remember the importance of maintaining appearances," he said, his words carrying a weight of authority.

Before the tension could escalate further, I intervened, my voice laced with a warning edge.

 "Save your barbs for another time, Damien," I said, my tone cold and clipped. "

Tonight is not the time nor the place for such petty squabbles."

Though Damien's smile faltered, he nodded in acquiescence, his gaze never leaving mine. 

"As you wish, Brother," he conceded, though the tension between us remained palpable.

With a terse nod, we parted ways, the weight of Damien's gaze still lingering in the air like a dark cloud.

My attention was diverted by a conversation with Alex, my brother's words drawing me away from the crowd. 

"Adrian, are you alright? You seem...distracted," he remarked, concern etched into his features.

I tore my gaze away from the scene unfolding before us, forcing a mask of composure to settle over my features. 

"I'm fine, Alex," I replied, though the turmoil within me threatened to spill over. 

"Just...lost in thought."

Alexander regarded me with a knowing look, though he chose not to press the matter further. Instead, he offered a reassuring nod. 

"Whatever it is, brother, know that we stand with you," he said, his words a silent promise of solidarity.

With a sense of gratitude washing over me, I turned my attention back to the crowd.

However, amidst the tension and the exchange with the Vales, I noticed Damien's gaze lingering on Aanya. His eyes followed her every move with a predatory intensity, a wolf sizing up its prey. My blood ran cold as I watched him approach her, offering a drink with a demeanor that reeked of arrogance and entitlement.

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