A kiss goodnight

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A/N: Okay so I make random Erdleth oneshots that take place wayyy before Byleth and Erdrick confesses their feelings to each other, this exact oneshot doesn't affect the actual timeline of the first fanfic! This is all for fun! I just like doing scenarios where Byleth and Erdrick are best friends before they confess their feelings to each other. Also the timestamps show what time it is throught the scenes in the chapter! ANYWAY, with that out all of the way.. enjoy this oneshot!! :D

July 20th.

Byleth and her friends were having a sleepover together, the girl was happy that she was spending time with them and her crush Erdrick. It was the first time that she's having a sleepover with them, considering she never had one back at her home in Fodlan. So this was a nice change for Byleth, she never had this fun at a sleepover before and currently she was playing UNO with her friends.

8:30 PM.

Everyone was gathered in a circle, Byleth was sitting next to Erdrick, Cloud was sitting next to Terry, Terry was sitting next to Erdrick, Zelda was sitting next to Byleth and Lucina was sitting next to Zelda. It was their 3rd and last round of UNO before they were gonna watch a scary movie together, during the first round of UNO Erdrick won the game. The 2nd round of UNO, Zelda won. Now it's all up to whoever wins the last round of the game.

Byleth only had 2 cards left, her heart was racing. Hoping to win the game.. Erdrick looked over to Byleth, seeing that she was really focused on the game. "Your really focused aren't you Byleth?" Erdrick asks seeing that she was focused on the game, Byleth looks back at him with a smile on her face. "Yeah! I have never been this focused!" Byleth responds as she puts her card down, revealing that it was a yellow card. "One more to go.." Byleth thought.

A couple more minutes in, it was all up to Byleth. The rush of winning was getting up to her, the moment she put her card down and yelled out "UNO!" The girl yelled out. Everyone was shocked that Byleth won, "You won Byleth!" Zelda says while clapping for her. "Never thought I would see you win!" Cloud adds with a smile on his face. "Thanks everyone!" Byleth continues as a bright smile appears on her face.

Erdrick smiles as he blushes as a small tint forms on his face, he loves Byleth's smile. Her sweet smile that would always make the hero melt, he loved her, he fell in love with his best friend. In that moment, he would just want to be with Byleth forever and ever. Until his train of thought was interrupted by Lucina, "Alright, what should we do now?" The girl says as she gets all of the uno cards in her hands. "We can go out to eat at a restaurant!" Terry says with enthusiasm.

"We ate 2 hours ago, besides it's pretty late now to go out at this hour" Cloud responds back, "That is true" Terry continues. "How about we do karaoke!" Byleth suggests. Everyone liked the idea of karaoke, but Byleth she hasn't even done karaoke. She was pretty nervous to sing, especially in front of her friends and Erdrick. So it made her a bit scared to sing, "That's a great idea Byleth!" Zelda says with a smile on her face. Byleth nods with a nervous chuckle, "Yeah.." Erdrick notices that Byleth was a bit nervous, he always knows when Byleth isn't herself. So, he checks up on her now and then.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" Byleth announces as she friends smile and know that she will be back soon, Byleth gets up as she walks over to the door and opens the doorknob and opens the door as she exits the room. Erdrick gets up as he runs up to the door, opening the doorknob and leaving the room. "Byleth wait up!" Erdrick calls out. "Wait, Erdrick! Where are you going?" Terry shouts, but there was no response from the hero as he closes the door shut, leaving his friends in the room.

Byleth turns around to see the brunette walking up to her, "Erdrick? Aren't you supposed to be with everyone else?" Byleth questions, Erdrick walks up to her. Seeing the concerned look on Byleth's face, "I noticed that you were a bit nervous when you wanted to do karaoke with everyone. Are you nervous to sing in front of everyone, Byleth?" The hero asks as he tilts his head. Byleth bits her lip, feeling embarrassed that Erdrick just said that to her. "Y-yes.. I never sang in front of everyone before and now I just don't want to do it anymore.." Byleth admits now looking to the side.

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