"On the inside." i said. he draws his gun and pounds on the door of 501.

"Police. Open up, LeShawn." he said loudly only for no answer.

"What's an acceptable amount of time to wait before we bust in?" i asked. he then kicked the door down only to also knock down LeShawn.

"That had to hurt."


i was bent down looking under the couch for anything when i heard, "Yo, lady cop, you can search my place all day."  i turned to look at LeShawn and sighed.

Tim walks towards LeShawn and slaps the back of his head.

"Get up. Face the wall before I snatch the other eye out of your head. You need to learn some respect." he said and pushed LeShwne against the wall. "Okay, come on, Officer Salvatore. Think like a crook. When's the last time you hid anything under a couch, 8th grade?"

"You know how many times I couldn't find my phone and it was under the couch the whole time?"

"This isnt that. You ever heard of the DEAR method? D-E-A-R?" Tim said and picked up the chair LeShawn was once sitting in, moving it over.


"There are four principles of concealment. First is deception, "D." Deception shows you one thing when it's really something else." he said and walked towards the fridge, opening it and pulling out a red soda can. instead of opening it like you normally would, he screwed off the metal part and held it up.

"E" is for "elusive." What appears to be nothing is actually something." He pulls off a vent cover and finds an empty canister.

"A" for "access." Things hard to get to, high places, low places." He reaches up and detaches a light globe, extracts a wad of cash and tosses it to me. i catch it.

"Which brings us to "R." "R" is for "repulsive." Toilets, garbage, porn collection, anything that makes you want to puke makes a crook want to hide things there."

"You've got to be kidding me." i grumbled.

"Might want to glove up. Saw a box of sex toys in the master bedroom, and don't forget the toilet. Search before you flush."

"Wait. Uh, why do I have to be "R"? I don't- I don't want to be "R." I could be "elusive" or "deceptive" or something." i tried to convince him. he looked at me with a very not amused expression. i sighed and grabbed my gloves, walking to the bedroom.

narrator pov:

officer Salvatore walked out of the bedroom area with an expression of deep revulsion. She sees Bradford sitting at the table looking through a stash of stolen objects.

"What the hell?" she exclaims.

"What?" Tim looks up at her.

"I've been back there for 20 minutes digging through Caligula's toy chest, and you've had this the whole time?"

"Well, not the whole time. It took me three or four minutes."

"Mm." she looked down trying not to throw up.

"You find anything?" Bradford asked.

"Uh, yeah. Horrid, filthy things." she exclaimed in LeShawns general direction before walking to sit down closer to the back of the room away from Bradford.


me and Tim pulled up behind an RV parked at the curb.

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