Chapter 19

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It was as if the world around us paused. This moment could last forever, for all I care.

But it didn't last forever. Nothing good ever does.

Willy Wonkas chocolate store wasn't allowed to last for long either. It didn't take long before Slugworth sabotaged it. I don't know how he did it, but Slugworth did it.

The panic that immediately followed was a fact. It didn't take long before the chocolate store, Willys dream, was ruined. The fire has been extinguished, but the shop had been utterly destroyed. The great tree had melted into a strange, sinister twisted shape.

Once the dust had settled, there was little left of the happy place that once had been here. Left on top of the rubble was Wonka. The customers had left.

"I don't understand. What...? What..." Lottie voice failed her, and her words vanished.

"What happened?" Piper asked.

"Isn't it obvious? The Chocolate Cartel." Mr. Crunch answered knowingly. Noodle walked closer to Willy.

"It's okay, Willy. We can start again, we can rebuild." She said in an attempt to cheer him up.

"There's no point, Noodle. It didn't work." Willy said lowly.

"What do you mean?" Noodle asked. I remained silence, not knowing how to make the situation any better.

"She promised she would be here. She wasn't." Willy said, his voice broken. My heart broke for him. He couldn't mean...

"Wait, you didn't really think..." Noodle began, but Willy interrupted her.

"No, I did. Just a stupid dream."

"Don't say that. Don't you ever-" Noodle was this time interrupted by Mr. Crunch.

"Come on, Noodle. I think Mr. Wonka needs to be alone."

They left. Mr. Crunch was perhaps correct. I although choose to ignore that. I couldn't leave him alone like this.

Slowly, I walked upon the fallen store, closing in on him. I've never seen him defeated like this. It was as if all the colour had been drained from him. He turned his head towards me and I saw... Tears.

I bite my tongue. I'm not used to situations like these. What do you say to a man who's dream was ruined?

"Y/n, I wish to be alone." He told me with a low voice, looking away from me.

I stood still. "We can be alone together." I answered with a soft voice. Slowly, I raised my hand and placed it on his shoulder.

Willy suddenly jerked up. My first thought was that he would swat my hand away, but he jumped up, took my hand and pulled me into the most intimate hug, that I've ever shared with someone. Instinctively, I returned the hug, stroking his hair in an attempt to comfort him. No words was needed. No words could have rebuilt the store either way. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Suddenly, Willy perked up. He quickly grabbed my shoulders.

"You need to leave." He said firmly, not looking at me. He was looking at something, or someone, behind me. "They haven't seen us yet, but you need to run." He quickly said.

"But-" I started but was quickly interrupted by Wonkas eyes.

"Run, Y/n." He said coldly.

I vanished into the shadows and ran to the backsite of the store. I heard voiced behind me, but I couldn't make anything out of it. It did sound like Slugworth. I could recognise that smug voice from anywhere.

I looked down the alleyway infront of me. I could disappear. Or, I could go back and try to listen in on their conversation.

The decision wan't hard to make. Without a sound, I sneaked back and pushed my back against the last remaining wall of what had once been the store.

"Terrible shame what happened here." Slugworths voice. I tied my fist. That rat. Sounding so compassionate, although he was definitely behind what happened.

"I take it you're responsible." Willy confronted the men, who laughed at him.

"Us? No! Well, not personally. We may have encouraged Mrs Scrubitt to enhance your creations." Slugworths voice filled me with rage.

"We paid her to poison them." Prodnose said, stating the obvious. I rolled my eyes.

"So why have you come? To gloat?" Willy asked.

"Oh no, Mr Wonka. I don't waste my time with that sort of thing. We've come to offer you a deal." After that, I heard a suitcase open. And although I couldn't see what was in it, it didn't take a genius to figure out what it could be.

"This is the precise amount you owe Mrs Scrubitt." Mr. Fickelgruber began. "This is for the number-cruncher, the plumber, the telephonist, the so-called funny-man... And this is for the girl."

"We've put in a bit extra for her." Slugworth explained, sweetening the deal. "So she can get a place to live. Clothes. Toys. Books."

My heart was beating hard underneath my chest, I almost feared that the men would hear my beating heart from the darkness. Willy can't accept their offer. It would be a deal with the devil. We can't let Slugworth get what he wants! Besides, I highly doubt he would keep up his end of the deal.

Please, Willy. Don't trust them. Don't...

"What about Y/n?" The way Willy uttered my name made me froze.

"What about that little thief?" Slugworth asked, sounding like the conversationen was suddenly beneath him.

"I want you all to leave her alone. Her name is to be exonerated and her face no longer on wanted posters. After you guarantee me that my Y/n will be free from you, then I'll accept your offer." Willy demanded, sounded firm.

The three men laughed mockingly.

"Don't say that you've grown fond of the thief? She's... p-p-poor!" Fickelgruber said in disgust. I once again rolled my eyes.

"I will forgive your little girlfriend for her betrayal. I'll leave her alone for the rest of her life." Slugworth promised, before continuing with. "You could change her life, Mr Wonka, change all their lives."

I hate all three of them.

Willys next words made my heart sink in my stomach.

"What would I have to do?" Willy asked defeated. No, Willy don't agree to it!

"Leave town. And never make chocolate again. There's a boat sailing at midnight. And for their sake, as much as your own, I hope you're on board."

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