Chapter 2

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"Demigods?" Vincent asked. He wanted to say she was crazy, but he witnessed everything that had just happened. He had to believe what he saw, right?

Alaynna nodded. "Yeah, demigods." She scanned the room. "We'll explain everything at camp. Come on."

"Camp?" Ameri asked. "What camp?"

"Camp Half-blood, where demigods go to live safely." Alaynna was getting impatient.

"Are you sure we're demigods?" Vincent asked.

Alaynna rolled her eyes. "Yes. Don't you think it's odd one of your parents are gone?"

Ameri raised an eyebrow. "How do you know that?"

"I know both my biological parents. One isn't a god," Vincent argued.

Alaynna narrowed her eyes at him, the scar on her right eye contracting with the movement. "Both? One's lying to you." She thought for a moment. "Or you're a mortal who can see through the mist."

"Mist?" Ameri asked.

"Basically, a veil. It hides the mythical world from the mortal world, but some mortals can see through it. Although, it's rare. And if you're mortal, where is the second demigod?" She groaned. "It'd be easier if your satyr was still alive. They'd be able to tell us whether you were a demigod."

Sophia and Jason walked back into the room.

"Grab your things," Sophia ordered. "We're leaving."

"Wait a moment, this guy says he knows both of his biological parents."

Sophia groaned in annoyance. "One is obviously lying."

Alaynna shrugged. "He could be a mortal who can see through the mist, though."

"Not likely."

"Just-" She took a deep breath. "We don't wanna bring him along if he's a mortal."

"Fine, come here." They walked to a secluded area. Sophia whispered something in Alaynna's ear. She nodded and walked back to Vincent. Then she tried to punch him in the face. Vincent dodged, barely.

"What was that for!?" he yelled.

"Alaynna throws knives as a weapon," Sophia explained. "Long-range fighters are terribly weak in physical combat, but her punches are surprisingly fast. She's good for disorienting, not knocking out. A mortal your age should've never been able to dodge that. You're a demigod with strong, natural reflexes. Accept it."

"That is a horrible way to figure that out," Jason mumbled.

"I wouldn't have to do that if the satyr wasn't eaten, Jason."

"You're acting like I ate them." 

She scowled, smacking him on the arm and walking away.

"You have amazing self-control," Ameri said in awe. "I would've punched her back by now."

Jason frowned. "She isn't always like this, even when mad."

"What happened?" Vincent asked.

Jason glanced at Alaynna, who shook her head. "You'll find out later," he said, following Sophia.

Vincent had many questions to ask the three mysterious demigods. One of them is: why is there a giant white owl, with a saddle and tool bags, waiting for them at the front of the school? He was just standing in the pickup lane like he was a car. People around him ignored him, or they didn't see him. Vincent wondered if the 'mist' Alaynna mentioned was a fault.

Alaynna and Jason mounted him without a second thought.

Sophia walked up to him and patted his shoulder. "Hello, Oodle, I'm sorry for taking so long."

"You named your owl... Oodle?" Ameri asked.

"Is there a problem with that?"

She shook her head, smiling. "Not at all. I like it."

"Can Oodle hold all five of us?" Vincent asked. "He doesn't seem that strong."

Oodle cooed sadly. His head drooped down a bit.

"Oodle is very strong," she said, petting him reassuringly. "But he's also sensitive. Don't say things like that in front of him." She paused before adding. "Because it's not true."

Vincent sighed, getting on Oodle.

The flight was surprisingly smooth. Jason fell asleep, Alaynna sharpened her knives, and Sophia read a book she found in one of Oolde's bags. Vincent silently sat beside Ameri as they watched everyone below them go about their day.

Then, Oodle flew over a Long Island. At first, Vincent had no idea why they were going there. Then he saw it. A big camp that had strawberry fields, a layout of cabins, and many structures that looked to be Greek: a diving pavilion, an amphitheater, and an arena. He saw a statue of a woman, a big house, and a rock wall that shot out real magma. A lush forest surrounded the camp, along with lakes, hills, and an ocean to add to the beautiful scenery.

Vincent questioned the safety of this place, especially when they landed. Kids with the same orange shirt and logo surrounded them. Many were holding swords or wearing armor. A lot of them had hardened eyes or crazy smiles. Vincent suddenly wanted to stay on the giant owl.

Ameri slid down Oodle. Vincent didn't know exactly what happened, but when she landed, a staff with wings that had two snakes wrapped around it flashed above her. It was Hermes' symbol, Caduceus. Ameri yelped and tried to swat it away.

Sophia stared at her for a moment, then she scanned the crowd. "Where's Rylan? She needs to grab her new sister, and show her around camp."

A guy walked up to her. He had sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. "She's talking to Chiron. I can take her to the cabin."

"Thanks, Waylen." Sophia turned to Ameri and gestured for her to move. Ameri frowned, but she hesitantly followed Waylen anyway.

Vincent jumped off Oodle. He looked up, expecting the same thing, but it didn't happen. "So, what was that?"

"That was Hermes claiming her as his child. Don't worry. Your godly parent will do it soon."

"What if they don't?"

"They will. They have to," she said with confidence. "They made a promise." She sighed. "Anyway, I'll give you the tour."

Welcome To Camp: A CHB storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz