Yeonjun couldn't make the words come out of his mouth, he felt embarrassed, and he was sure his face was a bright shade of red by now.

Taehyun stepped in between both of them and looked directly at Beomgyu, "It's none of your business. Whether we fucked or not doesn't concern you. Are you jealous or something?"

Beomgyu's eyes widened slightly, "I'm not. I just don't appreciate my roommate bringing over one of his little fuckbuddies."

Taehyun glared at him, "What the fuck did you just call me?"

He grabbed Beomgyu's shirt collar. Beomgyu scoffed and clenched his fists.

"You heard me."

Taehyun was about to lunge at Beomgyu when Yeonjun suddenly grabbed him by his arm and dragged him away.

"Stop it already!"

Yeonjun shouted as his eyebrows furrowed. The arguing started to make him feel a bit skittish and uncomfortable.

Beomgyu clicked his tongue and went towards the door and opened it widely. "You should leave." He said with a cold expression as he looked at Taehyun.

Taehyun looked at Yeonjun before going over and hugging the older boy, "I'll see you in class." He whispered into the older boy's ear.  Yeonjun nodded and watched as he exited the dorm.

As soon as Taehyun stepped out, Beomgyu slammed the door on him. He turned back and walked over to Yeonjun who was slowly trying to go back to his room.

Beomgyu chuckled deeply, "Oh, we're not done just yet. Sit your ass down."

Yeonjun stood frozen before sitting down on the sofa. Beomgyu's tone was exceedingly cold and it threw Yeonjun off. He tapped his fingers on his thighs nervously as he looked at the floor.

After an eternity of silence, Beomgyu spoke.

"Let's set some ground rules."

Yeonjun looked at him, "Ground...rules...?"

Beomgyu nodded, "We both share this dorm. We should both respect each other's space, shouldn't we?" Yeonjun nodded slowly. "Then it's settled. Write down your ground rules and I'll write some of mine. That way none of these bothersome situations reoccur."

Yeonjun nodded and grabbed some paper and pens before handing some to Beomgyu. Both boys silently sat there and wrote on the paper.

"Are you done?" Yeonjun asked. Beomgyu nodded and they swapped papers to see the ground rules that the other had set.


Yeonjun's Ground Rules

No smoking, drinking, or yelling.

Respect each other's privacy

Do not enter each other's rooms without permission


Beomgyu hummed as he read Yeonjun's rules, there wasn't anything difficult that he'd have to avoid. He'll just have to shower and bathe himself in cologne every time he smokes. No big deal if it made the older boy happy.


Beomgyu's Ground Rules

No fuckbuddies or people over without asking first


Don't eat my snacks


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