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Volume 1 Chapter 33 "Pig Farm"

Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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Grandpa watched Jing Yao drive away with some worry.

Jing Yao drove the car to the place where he last caught mutant green nematodes.

The tents are still there, and so are the insect fishermen.

Everything looks the same as before.

But Jing Yao keenly felt that there was something different.

Just like the cautious and nonchalant eyes in the tent.

There are also people carrying large and small bags on the ice.

Jing Yao keenly sensed something was wrong.

Even Jixiang's expression was a bit wary.

Jing Yao saw traces of a car on the ice, and she had to drive onto the ice as soon as she stepped on the accelerator.

As soon as they drove onto the ice, a person jumped out of the sky. Jing Yao quickly turned the steering wheel, and the car drifted and luckily came to a steady stop.

Jing Yao was protected by her seat belt, so it was okay, but Ji Xiang was stuck in the seat by the sudden force.

"You don't want your life!"

Jingyao opened the car window and shouted at the man.

"You can't drive on ice!"

The man ran over and asked Jing Yao to drive the car out of the ice.

"Then why can he drive the car up?"

Jing Yao pointed to the car passing behind him.

The man glanced back.

"That's different. His car has an ice permit from the government."

Jing Yao stared at the man without speaking.

"It costs 200,000 yuan to apply for a license from the government," the man swallowed and continued, "If you can get it from me, it costs 100,000 yuan."

The look in this woman's eyes is really scary.

Jing Yao watched the other party hand over a piece of paper tremblingly.

It also has the government's seal on it, and that seal doesn't look fake.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"Brother Qian!"

Jing Yao looked at the man called Brother Qian.

This man was wearing a military coat, which the government issued to all staff.

"Are you from the government?"

Brother Qian nodded and took advantage of the situation to look at Jing Yao and her car.

I dont know this car, but it must be expensive.

This woman is a fat sheep.

"You want a license to go to the ice? How much will I give you?"

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