As the semester progressed, their schedules grew more demanding. Akriti poured herself into a challenging design competition, while Yash juggled demanding journalism assignments and deadlines.

Late-night phone calls replaced their regular meetups, the hum of Akriti's voice while working blending with Yash's typing in the background. They became each other's support system, navigating the pressures of academia together.


"Ah, madam graces us with her presence!" Yash teased, motioning for her to join him.

She playfully rolled her eyes, her heart fluttered with a mix of amusement and affection. "Madam? So now I'm madam for you."

They both laughed, the familiar banter momentarily lifting the weight that had been settling between them. As they sipped their coffees, the atmosphere carried the echoes of shared laughter from the past. The dim lighting and soft music playing in the background made their stay in café more cozy.

Both of them were a year and half into their careers and it was difficult to take time out of their schedules. Their parents didn't know about their relationship status which added more to the time constraint, thus dilemma.

Yash, noticing the lightness in the air, decided to steer the conversation in a different direction. "You know, I was thinking of that trip we always wanted to take. What do you say we plan it?"

Akriti's eyes lit up, "Really? I'd love that! I'd need to inform mumma and papa about it prior, but that's another thing." They delved into plans for their trip, recalling what all they had always wished to do.

As their laughter subsided, Akriti's gaze softened, her eyes reflecting a hint of vulnerability. "Yash, can I ask you something?" She ventured, her voice quieter now, carrying the weight of unspoken thoughts.

Yash met her gaze, his expression shifting, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "Of course, baby. What's on your mind?"

Akriti's tone shifted, and she delicately broached a more serious topic. "Yash, have you ever thought about... you know, us settling down?"

He hesitated, a shadow flickering in his eyes. "Akriti, we're still young. Let's not rush into those conversations."

Her smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly masked it and slapped his arms. "I was just teasing, Yash. Don't take it too seriously."

The mood subtly changed, an unspoken tension seeping into their conversation. Yash noticed the furrow in Akriti's brow, a pang of guilt tugging at his conscience. His heart raced, a tumultuous mix of love and uncertainty swirling within him. How could he express his doubts without risking their bond?

Akriti knew this was not going in the right direction. But then, Yash was unsure of a marriage so sudden. They had just started their careers, he wanted both of them to build a name for themselves before actually settling down.

As they delved into their respective work lives, Akriti's mind wandered, her thoughts swirling with doubts and uncertainties. She couldn't help but wonder what Yash truly felt about their future together.

Was their love strong enough to withstand the challenges ahead?

Did Yash share her dreams of a future together, or were they destined for separate paths?

Days turned into weeks, and the once-lighthearted banter now carried a subdued undertone. One evening, as Yash drove Akriti to her place after work, she couldn't help but revisit the unanswered question. "Yash."


"Do you... do you see a future for us? Do you ever think about marriage?"

His chuckle was strained, the words tumbling out in a nervous rush. "Umm... Akriti, let's not get into this again. Can't we just enjoy the present without overthinking the future?,"

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