07 | Stars of Our Pasts

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A fly caught in a spider's web.

That's what she felt like standing in the room chosen for her. Red velvet drapes hung from the four-poster bed, framing in the white blankets decorated with golden embellishments. The walls were made of dark wood paneling and adorned with beautiful paintings of exquisite landscapes. It carried that same exotic scent that seemed to waft through the air continually.

It was lavish in all the right ways, but she had never felt more trapped.

The maids scurried back and forth, putting her clothing away within the massive wardrobe. They didn't make eye contact or conversation, and Ilaria wondered if they breathed. They look like scared little mice, flitting about like they did. When they were finished, they went to the door in tandem, heads bowed.

"Thank you," she called after them, and she swore they flinched upon hearing her voice.

Was it so terrible here?

She sank onto her bed, worrying her lip as she nibbled on it. This had been a mistake. Why had she been so foolish? Ilaria sank onto the bed.

Someone knocked on the door.

Ilaria lunged to her feet. "Come in!" She fixed her skirts.

A butler stepped into the room, head bowed. "Lord Kiernan asked me to come to inform you of our schedule. Breakfast is at eight in the morning sharp. Luncheon is at noon. Dinner is served at six. He asks that you not be late as we will not wait for you. You will not be served if you are not at the table by the time aforementioned."

What a strict schedule. She listened, dumbfounded, as he laid it all out for her. Not even her grandmother was this strict.

He clicked his heels, bowed, and went to leave.

Ilaria took a step forward. "Sorry, excuse me."

The butler stopped. "Yes, my lady?"

"Could you tell me what time it is?" She clasped her hands together, letting the feeling of her skin calm her nerves.

"Four o'clock in the afternoon, my lady." He harrumphed, then bowed once more and left the room.

The door shut with a resounding click behind him.

Once again, she left to her own devices. Ilaria's shoulders sagged. Two hours before, she needed to descend for their meal. Blowing out a puff of air, she twiddled her thumbs. What to do? Breathing in, she spun slowly in a circle as she looked around the room. Looking up and around, she wrinkled her nose. Perhaps a to-do list would help her settle.

It was like a candle was lit. She rather liked that idea. She could make a to-do list.

Okay. Okay, maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Turning to the wardrobe, she swung it open. The first thing on her list was that she needed to get out of her traveling clothes. Swinging open the doors, she examined the dresses she had brought along. Her fingers glided over the various styles and fabrics before choosing one of her favorites.

It was a simple blue dress with a sweetheart neckline and a white silk ribbon that accented the waist. This would be a lovely dress for the day. Slipping out of her traveling clothes, she slid into the new dress. Tightening the ribbon around her waist, she donned a pair of dainty slippers.

Okay, that was done! What should be next on her list? She narrowed her eyes and tapped her fingers on her thighs. Her eyes landed on the basin and pitcher of water next to the vanity. A nice face washing! That always made her feel refreshed.

She poured some cool water into the basin, poured a couple of scented oils into it, and then began to take her time scrubbing at her face with her fingertips. She rinsed her face, took a soft towel, and patted her face dry. If the ever-present thought of her deal weren't lingering in the back of her mind, this would have been one of the nicest vacations she had ever taken. The only vacation she had ever taken.

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