Part 2, Food quest.

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The receptor continued looking around for food, eventually he found a pipe in the ground so he curiously crawled into it, on the other side was a dark sub-regeion with water flooding the place, you could see ancient structures that has collapsed into the water and you can also see paintings on the wall half washed away, you looked around seeing if you can find some fruit or any type of food. Suddenly you fell from the pole you were hanging on, getting swooped away by the water, you were trying to get your head above the water as you squirm around because your mask was off making it even harder for you to breath. You finally get pushed onto shore of an broken ancient broken building. He choked for a moment, coughing up blood. He slowly got up and looked around, he looked at the water below waiting for his mask to come onto the shore to, after a bit of waiting it finnaly appeared and he snatched it from the water, and put it back in his face, releasing a little hiss sound.
He looked around, moss and flies everywhere, all this and still no sign of food. He started to walk forward as there was no other direction to go. After a few minutes he finally found some blue fruit hanging off the ceiling, he grabbed them and ate it all, there was 5 and luckily he could store 3 more, now he was completely full. Timeskip;;
He continued to walk and walk, he finally found a pipe going up, he crawled through and found himself in the lush forest again.

METAL HEART [discontinued] (?)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon