The Hawthorne Legacy

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A.N.: I'm so honoured  to have made it this far, and can't wait to see where this goes. Ill update the actual chapter later!! :)

Name: Trinity Kallistrate Hawthorne

Age: 17

DOB: 30th of July, 2003(I know she would not be 17 today but the second book is still set in 2020, so she would be 17 then)

Sign: Leo

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Straight

Hair colour: Platinum blonde(actually more of a honey blonde, but she tones it)

Eye colour: Icy blue-gray

Height: 5' 8"

Quirks/fun(and not so fun) facts:

Highly trained in several martial arts (black belt in karate)

Can handle a gun, knife, and skilled in archery and fencing

Ride or die friend

Least Texas accent of her siblings


Speaks six languages (including Latin, French, and Chinese)

Plays the harp

Expert coder/hacker (Xander and her are a power sibling duo)

Cries in the shower kind of girl

Night owl

Plays with her hair when something is boring

Cares a lot about the young girls and teens who idolize her

Lowkey obsessed with candles

Astrology is fake

Can't stand loud chewing

Enjoys company of adults and the elderly (like nan)

Is actually not a chess grandmaster, as she never attended tournaments

Guilty pleasure: romance novels

Skilled ballet dancer

Friends: Avery Kylie Grambs, Iqra Noor Muhammad, Adrina Gemma Ching

Family: Nash Hawthorne (brother), Grayson Hawthorne (brother), Jameson Hawthorne (brother), Xander Hawthorne (brother), Skye Hawthorne (mother), Pearl O'Day, (great-grandmother), Zara Hawthorne-Cargillis (aunt), Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne (grandfather, deceased), Thea Cargillis (second cousin/frenemy) Tobias Hawthorne II (Uncle)

Her songs:

The Archer by Taylor Swift

Castles Crumbling by Taylor Swift

Mastermind by Taylor Swift

Affluenza by Conan Gray

Teenage Dream by Oliva Rodrigo

Primadonna by MARINA

Making the Bed by Oliva Rodrigo

Summer Child by Conan Gray


Madame Trouble (her brothers)

Angel (Tobais Hawthorne)

Trina (Libby)

Tulip (Jameson)

Dynamite (brothers/Avery)

The first (Camden)

She shoots your heart out,

and don't you dare doubt it

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