1. Showtime

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        "Be strong. Show him you know what you want. Make him earn it." Vince cranked up the track's volume and counted in the beat.

Kate worked through body waves and isolations before dropping down and up into a slow-motion stride, rocking into a slow flip followed by provocative hip circles. Her partner answering with sharp chest pops and a low slide. Together they challenged each other with fast footwork. Daniel miscued on the lift to swung Kate around his waist. She crashed to the floor.

"Oh, Shit! Are you okay?" Daniel crouched down beside her.

"Yeah. Mostly." She dabbed her bleeding nose. "I'll need a minute."

As soon as she left the room Vince turned on Daniel saying, "I shouldn't have to tell you its your job to keep her safe." Daniel just stared at the floor with his ears turning red while Vince continued, "You know how she throws herself into things. So damn-well catch her or you will be out of this competition." Vince shook his head and muttered, "Idiot."

Daniel swallowed hard trying to come up with a response for their choreographer and coach. Before he organized his thoughts, he felt two arms circling his waist.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. It could happen to anyone. I'm fine." Kate's words helped her partner relax. They worked through the routine slowly from the start, broke it into component pieces, and then took it up to speed. Vince watched her movements very closely, worrying Kate might have tweaked her injured knee. She sensed his scrutiny so pushed through the flash of pain. This week was the last elimination round before the finale and she promised Daniel his shot.

The ice bath back at the dorm helped. Kate's deep bruises only showed a little color by dress rehearsal. They were worse next day and she broke down and asked the onsite physio a bit of numbing spray. The therapist put her through a few tests and warned, "If the wasn't the second to last show I'd be putting you on mandatory rest so be sure to come back tomorrow and we can set you up for some scans."

Kate shrugged before insisting, "I'll be fine."

"I'm serious. Don't mess around. You could be looking at career-ending damage if you are not careful," he said as he taped the outside of her knee.

Daniel stopped in the hall by the door, tiptoed away, and started whistling as he retraced his steps. "You decent?" he called before pushing open the door to the treatment room.

"I'm always decent, and I'm dressed now too," Kate knew it was a lame joke but it usually made Daniel smile. "Don't look so serious. This is just a little tune up. See." She popped of the table and jogged in place. She nodded her thanks to the therapist, grabbed Daniel's hand and led him over to the interview corner. As they sat down together Daniel tucked her hand tight enough to pull her over so their legs touched. Kate shivered at this sudden closeness. She blushed as the MC studied their position and smiled.

The women in heavy make-up turned to the camera, "Welcome back you two. I'm glad you could join us ahead of this week's show. Our audience is very curious about our new-world couple. My notes say you first met at a dance studio. What were your first impressions of each other, was it love at first sight? Kate?"

"I'm not sure about that. I mean, Daniel was in the upper-class and seemed so serious. He had already won regionals and I think all the girls in the studio were crushing pretty hard." The comment got a chuckle from the MC who put the microphone in front of Daniel.

"I have younger sisters and most of the junior girls reminded me of them. You know, kind of cute, maybe a bit bratty. Definitely not to be taken seriously but Kate was just so obnoxiously talented." His grin erased any sting from his comment.

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