what's your name

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Rushing... Everyone was rushing to fall in line as the Sargent shouted as they hurried and did not meet the time requirements.

Daniel, the new cadet, hurried to fall in line but forget one simple thing his shoes were untied. He tripped, making the Sargent's attention fall upon him.

"Are you stupid!?" Shouted the Sargent getting in Daniel's face.

"Um-" Daniel went to say something but was quickly cut off the shouts of an angry Sargent.

"I didn't say speak! " he exclaimed.

Daniel remained silent with a confused expression, as if he was a dog that was slapped on the nose with a newspaper.

"What's your name!? " the Sargent asked angrily.

"... Daniel larusso. " he stated.

"... Do you think we have time to baby you and check that you tied your boots!? " Sargent Lawrence shouted.

"No sir.. " Daniel said quietly.

"Then tie your damn shoes and drop and give me 20 pushups! " he said as if he was more in raged as Daniel hurried and did what he said.

Hours later or training everyone split to go to the sleeping quarters. Daniel didn't know that he just became Johnny Lawrence's favourite cadet to torture.


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