"Can I say something?" said Chip. (the kid that took the yellow armour.)

"Go ahead." Tom replied.

"If there are more villagers then Dark soldiers how come they were Beaten by the dark warriors?"

"Excellent question chip it's not about numbers in that case it's that the dark soldiers had the heavy artillery and firepower the villagers did not also when taken over they would have come in greater numbers." Replied Tom

"Ah." Said chip

"Eden." Tom said getting excited again

"Yes sir." Eden answered.

"engage landing sequence." Tom said with a smile.

"Yes sir."

"Come on guys, we have a village and a planet to save." The defenders darted to the elevator and took the ride down to the exit where they aligned the troops in formation and Tom began to speak.

"Everyone listen up." He bellowed immediately and everyone stopped their conversations' and turned to face their leader.

"Alright the village we are headed to is about five kilometres south we unfortunately will have to walk so we don't lose the element of surprise." They set off towards the village when they arrived half a mile away from the village Tom stopped them and presented to them the Hologram showing a hexagonal wall set up by dark warriors around the small village and a red dot he pointed to the red dot with a smile and said.

"This is the weak point of the wall using my power we can probably break down the wall when we charge in

Be sure to only engage dark soldiers, be careful of civilians, remember they aren't imprisoned and can walk around and live a normal life just under dark rule so don't attack everyone you see Jacob I'm looking at you."

"Tom you are a pain." Said Jacob .

"I'm aware." Said Tom.

"Can you guys shut up?" Bellowed Lucy.

"Anyway." Tom continued

"We have to move fast everyone in formation."

The defenders fired their beams of light and dark energy towards the wall and it collapsed and finally Tom screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Defenders..... charge." Immediately everyone sprang into action. Running full pelt towards the gap In the wall the soldiers on duty were shocked to see the entire army charging towards them Tom immediately drew his katana and sprinted into the field knocking a soldier to the floor he jumped to his feet and ran of to another he was beginning to start doubting this plan as he was about abort he was whacked in the face by a blunt object.

They dizzily stumbled to their feet and engaged in a duel. He blacked the mallet with his arm and hit it to the floor.

He dropped to the ground sliding in a circle moment to kick out the soldier's legs before springing to his feet. The katana pointed at the young man's face.

He stared into the eyes of this unmarked soldier he was young eighteen or nineteen and the look in his eyes was pure terror he looked horrified like how Tom felt they both were fearful for their lives and when it came time for Tom to terminate the barely a man in front of him they couldn't bring themself to do it he lowered his blade and turned to walk away. As he turned he was whacked by yet another force a soldier had grabbed them.

They tried to wrangle free but couldn't. He attempted to reach the katana on his back but was unable in a last stitch effort he grabbed his daggers and struck the enemy in the chest and back a total of seventeen times. He lowered the almost lifeless body to the ground and held him in his arms with a thought the nanites retracted from his head as he looked into the dying man's eyes and whispered.

Oron's Knights: Rise Of A WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now