Journey to the City of Sand

Start from the beginning

"Now or Never." He told himself. With a shaky step, he passed through the glass doors until he passed through the other side into the chilling air. Just up ahead of him..was..was..of course it was. Fortulose Manor stood as terrifyingly as it had before. It's high, brick structure standing out in the almost purpley red air. It's purple roofing standing marvellously as a dying tree was planted to it's right. Play knew that after what had happened last time, he didn't want to go back there, but his feet had already made up their mind. He walked, walked up to the manor, his breath in the very early morning coming out as vapour. Each step he took, the manor slowly grew bigger in his vision, and more imposing. Until, his foot made contact with the soft wood of the front deck. The next step was opening the door. Play's hand shakily reached out until it rested on the door knob.

"In Three seconds I'm going to waltz on right in." He thought. "3....2........and.......1!" With a sudden burst of movement, Play opened the door. And inside was exactly the same as he'd remembered it. The ripped red carpet stood out on the floor, the same as the tattered walls, wallpaper long gone from where it once was. The candles were even still burning. But Something was bothering him, at the far end of the room on the wall, was something strange. Play took a step forward, surprised that he didn't fall through the floor or a Dusksull jumped out of nowhere to chase him. Now confident, Play took a few more steps forward. Behind him, the door stood open a crack, Play made sure not to close the door. He simply didn't want to risk it. But he continued onwards, this blue thing had peaked his interest. Slowly, Play made his way over until he was standing directly opposite it. It was on a wall just right of the staircase. Turns out it was spray paint. Graffiti of sorts. It was light blue spray paint in that of a circle. About half a meter wide in diameter. There were simply two letters in the middle of the circle. 'LB'.

Surprisingly to Play, nothing else even slightly creepy or paranormal happened during the rest of his time at Fortulose Manor. So much so that he'd decided to cut his trip early and head back on the Anthian Sky-Bus to collect his belongings. In truth however, as Play stood in his room in the Anthian Living district, gathering his belongings, there was still one piece left to his forgotten memory puzzle that still had yet to make sense to him. The Mysterious boy that he'd seen who'd taken Rotom for himself. Like the rest of his first visit to Fortulose Manor, his appearance had been a blur. But Play remembered this; He was on the shorter side, he was wearing a black cloak and a mask, and that was it. And then his mind turned to the LB that he'd seen. Which definitely had not been there the first time, he would've remembered it otherwise. Maybe he'd meet this strange person one day. Only time would tell. Soon enough, Play gathered up all his belongings, pokeballs and all and headed for the Anthian Sky bus. Looking behind himself at the equally lively lights that had been there when he first arrived.

"So much has changed." He whispered. Missing the time when he, Tess and Jake first arrived, content and free. He missed that time, now feeling as though he'd taken it for granted. Eventually, the Sky-Bus arrived and Play was taken to Craganos peak, the journey flying back at Ninjask speed. When he landed, on the rocky mountain, Play noticed a yellow building not too far away from the Sky-Bus. He had either been to excited to visit Anthian to notice it, or it had been built super quick. Either way, Play walked up to the short, white doors before walking inside. Immediately, he was hit with the smell of trains, and this and than. To his right, was a woman wearing a pink shirt sat at a desk. Directly in front of him was a set of stairs.

"Here for the Sky-Bus love?" The woman asked politely.

"Mhm." Play responded, his voice far too quiet. He walked up the set of stairs, and on his right, was the train alright. A tall man in grey hair stood in front of the small white train carriage, it was hooked on a metal line of sorts.

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