Team Eclipse's Second attempt

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Play got ready to go over and investigate right away, with determination, he started to climb the steep, grassy hill. It was quite a chore, this whole thing was built on a deep slant, so it made walking up it a joke. Now he was nearer, Play could see that there were a great deal more Eclipse grunts that he'd realised, there must have been at least 3...4...5...6...7. Play counted them all. It was clear that the first four were just generic grunts, reporting for duty. The next duty must have been a slightly higher rank, you could tell because they were standing nearer to the last one, like bodyguards, whom was obviously the one in charge. He had a superior grin, and practically ordered the others around to form some sort of formation. the one in charge had a tall black hat with a fiery coloured feather proudly sticking out of the top of it.

"I won't say it again, hand over the orb, OLD MAN!" He spat at someone. Edging nearer., the eager boy could see they were attacking some defenceless old man, he had a brown jacket, green shirt, grey trousers, and miniature glasses.

"You can't have it!" he cried. "It's too dangerous in the wrong hands. And in case you are delusional, your hands are the wrong hands." The old man added that with extra cheek. "Do you even know what it can do!" The boss rolled his eyes.

"Of course I know what it does." He said sarcastically. "We have a pair of archaeological experts that tell us it can be used to summon a powerful Pokémon." Play's heart leapt at the mention of that.

"Powerful enough to create the seas." One of the bodyguards said madly.

"Shut up." The other one said. The old man and the eclipse boss continued their rant.

"What makes you think you can control such a beast?" The old man asked profusely.

"We're team Eclipse YOU OLD FOOL." The eclipse boss screamed. "WE'RE THE MOST POWERFUL ORGANISATION IN THE WORLD AND ALL THAT STANDS IN OUR WAY IS A FEEBLE OLD MAN." He began to advance forward and reached out his hand to shove him aside.

"Grandpa." A girl about Play's age begged. She had just made herself clear now. "Please let me fight them. My Pokémon are strong enough." The old man (Her grandpa) turned to her with tears in his eyes.

"No, Tess." He said, his voice cracking. "Go inside and lock the door, I can handle this." the girl gave a gulp of sadness and fled inside.

"It was smart of you to send you to send your granddaughter inside." the eclipse boss said smugly. "She would have been crushed by our Pokémon. Grandpa was so sad, he just closed his wrinkly eyes.

"Grunt Finley." The eclipse boss commanded. "Take the orb!" 

"Yes sir." The burnt replied. A grunt in a green cap marched forward and stole a crystal ball out of the old man's pocket. It wasn't that big.

"Team ECLIPSE!" Play growled. All of them were caught by surprise, they turned around to face Play, frowning.

"Oh, what's this?" The eclipse boss said strangely, as though speaking to a two-year old. "Are you gonna try and stop us?" Play shook off the nasty tone and taunt.

"This is enough, you can't go around robbing people." Play protested angrily. "It's unfair!"

The eclipse boss tilted his head to one side, and laughed.

"If you won't let us past without a fight, it looks like you're going to get a fight!" He grinned. "Colbert, Finely, GO!" The two grunts on each side, marched forward.

"This is the end of the line for you." The one in the green cap said (Finely). The other guy must have been called Colbert.

"Gulpin. GO!" Finely said.

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