Bidoof lumberjacks

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Shortly after Play had won against gym leader Sebastian in the Brimber gym, he was in his room, standing before all his Pokémon.

"Well done guys, all our training has paid off, we beat the Brimber gym!" All of his Pokémon burst into applause. Even Prinplup managed to force a smile.

"And our next gym battle is in Rosecove city." Play continued, all of his Pokémon were listening close. "We'll have to travel the farthest we've travelled though, we'll need to get through route 7, take a pit stop at Lagoona town, route 8, then Rosecove city!" Play knew all of this from his map. Then it wasn't long before Play had packed up, got his Pokémon together and at least eaten something before heading out. Sebastian thanked him one last time for helping him with Team Eclipse, and he was off.

To get to route 7, Play had to walk up a dirty stairway, which connected Brimber to the next route. Route 7 was a shady place, and Play was immediately relieved to feel the heat of the fire gym slowly fade away. Up ahead were some thick trees and beyond that, was a river. The river was huge, stretching endlessly. Route 7 seemed like such a peaceful place. But, out of nowhere, a Ralts jumped out of the grass and into Play. He scanned it with his pokédex straight away:

RALTS has the ability to sense the emotions of people. If its TRAINER is in a cheerful mood, this POKéMON grows cheerful and joyous in the same way.It is highly attuned to the emotions of people and POKéMON. It hides if it senses hostility. The horns on its head provide a strong power that enables it to sense people's emotions

"Okay, I can catch this." Play said. "Rookidie, GO! Use power trip." In response, the wild Ralts used psybeam. But Rookidie dodged round it, and landed the super-effective move. Ralts stumbled back, and then Play threw the Pokéball, and Ralts was sucked inside, it rolled once, twice, three times. Yes! Ralts was caught. Play picked up the Pokéball and was ready to move on, when he heard someone cry out.

"Help me!" They called. "I'm stuck!" Following the sound of the noise, he found a hole, and saw a young man there, he looked as though he'd broken his leg.

"You, Please help me!" He begged.

"I'm on it." Play said, grabbing Prinplup's Pokéball.

"Prinplup, help me out!" Play said. Prinplup came out, and cocked it's head around.

"Help me pull this guy up!" He said. Getting on his stomach, Play reach out his hand, and was prepared to pull the man up, but he was heavier than he expected. With the combined help of Prinplup, it took a lot of pulling and heaving, but the two of them managed to get him to safety. After breathing, the man introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Gordon." The man said.

"Hi, my name is Play." Play said. "How did you get down there?"

"It's sort of complicated, I was on my way to Brimber city for my first gym battle, then I fell down this hole."

"I just got out of Brimber gym, for my second gym badge." Gordon's face sort of fell then.
"Well, actually, I'm not that good at battling, the reason I got away was so I could escape from work, back in Lagoona, I work day and night, jeez, I guess I should head back now." Play wasn't sure how to react to this, his whole life, he'd been away from work and chores, his parents had taken care of all that, it made him really think.

"Hey, I'm heading to Rosecove, Lagoona's on the way, i could help you there." Play offered. Gordon's face lit up at this.
"You could, thanks!" He grinned. "But first, I'll need, ah, here we go!" Gordon grabbed a nearby thick twig and propped underneath his armpit, to support his broken leg.
"Don't worry, I'll help you with that." Play said, he reached for Gordon's arms, but ended up collapsing the twig, both of them fell to the floor, for a moment, they just stared, then they both laughed.

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