• Never •

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I WAS AT THE beach collecting shells for the jewelry that I'm planning to make

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I WAS AT THE beach collecting shells for the jewelry that I'm planning to make. As I was swimming I heard my name, my ears perked up at the familiar voice. I turned around to be met by my friend Atan.

I stepped out of the water to greet him. "Atan! It's been so long since I've seen you. How are you?" I asked as I wrapped my mini pouch full of shells around my waist. "Hey Y/n, I've been good how are  you?" He asked with a small smile.

"I've been great!" I replied. "That's good to hear, so uh I came over to tell you something. I don't know how your going to take this but. Your boyfriend, the oldest son of Toruk Makto  I saw him earlier with a girl. It seemed like they were flirting."  He replied with a guilty look written on his face.  But I could see a tint of mischief in his eyes.

My eyes widened a bit, 'Neteyam would never do something like that.' I thought to myself. "Atan, Neteyam would never do something like that, don't ever accuse him of such things." I responded with attitude.

He looked at me with a smug look. "If you don't believe me that's fine, but don't come crawling to me when he breaks up with you." I was fuming with anger, how dare he say such things. "As if, you're so full of yourself. Stay the hell away from me."  I replied with venom in my tone.

I quickly walked away from him, as I was walking back to my mauri I bumped into a hard chest. I looked up to see my man. "Hey mamas, where are you going?" Neteyam asked as he gave me a peck on lips. "Im going to my mauri, I was collecting some shells." I replied smiling.

"Oh, why don't I go with you then?" He asked rubbing my chin softly. "Yeah sure." I replied. Once we got to my mauri I sat down and took out the shells from my pouch.

I looked up at Neteyam. "Teyam I need to tell you something, and I'm really pissed about it." I said with frustration. "Yeah, what's wrong princess?" He asked, holding me by the waist. "So earlier today my "friend" Atan accused you of cheating on me, he told me that he saw you with a girl and that supposedly you guys were flirting."

"What!? I would never do something like that, I swear. I was talking to a girl, but that was one of my friends, her name is Amari, I was just giving her some advice. She has a crush on someone and she needed some help because she didn't know how to tell him."

He replied with pure honesty in his heart. That's what I love most about him. His honesty. I smiled at him, I gently grabbed his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips. He smiled into the kiss.

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