• Oblivious •

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YOU'VE HAD A crush on Neteyam for a while now, the two of you would hangout all the time, taking a swim together, collecting seashells, making jewelry

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YOU'VE HAD A crush on Neteyam for a while now, the two of you would hangout all the time, taking a swim together, collecting seashells, making jewelry. You've tried to confess your feelings for him in several ways.

You would make things for him, you would make small flirty comments and gestures. You tried everything you could to show Neteyam that you liked him. But of course he didn't pay much attention to it thinking that you were only joking around.

He was completely oblivious, what you didn't know was that he liked you back, he just never knew how to show it or say it.

The sun was starting to set, you made your way to the forest taking a walk, observing all the creatures and plants. You loved your home, it was your safe place. You sat down high up in a tree branch looking at the sunset.

When suddenly you heard your name being called. Your ears perked up at the familiar voice calling your name. It was Neteyam. You jumped down from the tree and started walking looking for him, calling his name. "Neteyam!" You yelled hoping he would hear you.

He finally found you and made it way towards you. "Y/n!" He yelled out of breath. "I've been looking all over for you, are you okay princess?" He asked as he held your face in his hands.

You blushed at the nickname, occasionally he would call you nicknames here and there. Though he never realized how much you loved it.

"It's ok Teyam, I'm fine don't worry." You replied stroking his hands lovingly. He replied with a smile.

Then you began to speak. "Neteyam, I have to tell you something and I don't know how your gonna take it but, I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a while." You said nervously.

"You can tell me anything tiyawn, what is it?" He asked holding your waist. Your cheeks began to heat up at his gesture. "I like you Teyam. I really like you. I really do. I've been trying everything I can to show you how much I like you but you never noticed, you've been so oblivious." You replied with hope in your eyes.

Neteyam looked at you in shock, he was relieved that you felt the same way. "Oh, mamas. I'm so sorry I never realized how much you liked me,  I just ignored it thinking that you were only joking around, I always thought you would never like me back. I feel the same way, I always have." He replied with tears of joy in his eyes.

A smile made its way to your face. You immediately got on your tippy toes and kissed him. He kissed you back as he held you close by the waist.

Tiyawn - My love/Love

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