Heavenly Grey - Chapter 2 - A Grey cloud before the rain

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D.L.Evans Prologue 2 - Sail under the Grey flag

"Captain Grey! Are you sleeping at your desk again?"
"Ah sorry private, I must of dosed off, how is our heading?"
"Nothing but clear seas for miles Sir."
"Good. I think I'll walk around the ship for a while."
Suddenly a bell starts ringing, the ferocious clattering of metal was able to be heard all across The Silver Pearl.
"A ship! Captain it's hostile!"
Captain Grey burst through his cabin doors out on to the deck. "There Captain, starboard. They're gaining speed and heading our way!"
Grey pulled out his telescope and focused it on the incoming ship. "By the gods... Red and white sails, it's her ship... The Royal Ellgraat! She found me..." With a flutter from his naval coat Grey spun on the spot and looked out at his crew. "Prepare the cannons! Battle stations!"
Everyone frantically began to load cannons but shortly after a thunderous clap shook the air. Everyone looked out at The Royal Ellgraat. It was too late, a sea of cannon balls coated the sky blocking out the sun. They began to pelt The Silver Pearl and casualties began to rise.
"Captain! Get off the deck, its too dangerous!"
"Never! If this ship goes down, so do I."
"Captain watch out!"
It was too late Grey turned to see the cannonball smash straight into his face, the whole world seemed like it was in slow motion. His eyes shut tight as he braced for the sweet release of death. Grey was thrown off the side of the ship and woke up with a jolt.

D.L.Evans Chapter 2 - A Grey cloud before the storm

Slowly opening his eyes, Grey could here a feint voice calling out. Well more like an annoying alarm clock you can't turn off... Or slap.
It was Celia's voice and Grey quickly realised that the red and white sails were above him. The cannonball would soon follow.
"Hellloooo? Hello? Goooood morning?"
Startled, Grey jumped to attention as the figure of Celia came into focus. Who was looking down at him pouting as if it was his fault for being here. "ack... What are you doing here so early Celia?"
"Well it is ten o'clock and the shop opens at half nine. Hina said just to leave you but I was too excited to show you my new invention." The glee on Celia's face was glowing as her impatience continued to grow.
A groggy Grey yawned. "O-oh, the one Hina said you damage the shop with." He yawned again with blurry eyes not considering his words.
Celia pouted. "Hmpf you can't just take her word on these things. It's fine look, take a look at it, look totally fine.
Grey's words had stuck a nerve and he was now facing the consequences. Quite literally, as Celia was mashing her contraption into Grey's face. Ah... There's the cannonball...
"I was too excited to show you my invention so I let myself in. We should sell it right? Right!"
Grey gave the proud looking Celia a disapproving glare. She was way to comfortable with admitting to breaking in.
The glare didn't phase her as she started hopping up and down wiggling the ball around Greys face. "Look, look, look at it."
Of what could be made out from the corner of his eye of the blurry ball shaped object squished against his face. The contraption seemed to be a spherical object with a soft outer layer which was slightly sticking to his skin.
Trying to regaining control of the situation Grey pushed the cannonball away from his face... Wait I mean spherical ball...
"Okay, go into the living room and I'll join you in a short while once I've changed.
"Yay!" Celia let out an even bigger hop, one of joy, before racing out of the room.

After a short while Grey followed entering into the living room. To his surprise he was met by a busy Celia who was caught in the act of moving all the furniture to the corners of the room.
"What the... What are you doing."
"Well we need some room to test this little beauty out."
"Oh great an indoors test run. I can't see this going wrong, maybe I should of listened to Hina after all.
It was too late to back out now as the furniture were now nice wall decorations.
"Nonsense this is perfectly safe and besides we don't have anywhere to actually test products. Why do you think there are so many repairs to the walls." Celia giggled a little and looked at Grey as if that was just common sense.
"I guess we should just get this over with then. So explain the product to me and we'll take it from there." Grey was less than enthusiastic.
"Alright then, here's Celia's fast paced magic lesson."
"Eh where did those glasses come from?"
"Don't ask silly questions Grey."

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