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After 5 years

A girl of age 3 was running and a lady behind chasing her

Girl : No i will not drink milk 😖
Lady : Samanya stop it
You have to drink it else how will yoy grow

Samanya : Papa i will not drink milk
Mamma is forcing me
Man :okay my princess
Lady : Mann don't listen to her tantrum

Man : Okay okay my princess look if you drink this glass of milk ...then i will buy you a soft toy

Samanya: arel you sure ?(in toddler's voice)

Man : 100% sure

Samanya: okay i will drink then

Mayank: samy give her the glass
Samaira: yeah ..drink it  samanya

//yeah they are our masam and their daughter Samanya//

Mayank's POV

So it's been 5 years ...we are married I still wonder i used to quarrel with samy evertime but at the end i care for her the most
I didn't even realised when i have fallen in love for her .... i just wanted to be by my samy side forever untill death

Samaira's POV 
It will be 5 years tomorrow...i just can't  believe when my childhood bestfriend becomes my everything 
I will be Mayank's forever until death
Tomorrow i will surely surprise him with the news

The next day:

It's there 5th Marriage anniversary
Everything is decorated beautiful with a beautiful cake

Mayank and Samaira cuts the cake along with Samanya

Mayank gifted Samaira a beautiful pendent and kissed her cheeks which is unnoticed by all

Mayank:  Where is my gift in husky voice
Samaira: well
Samaira took Mayank's hand and put it in her stomach

Mayank:  😶 is it true😍
Samaira:  yeah you are gonna be papa again😘
Mayank hugged Samaira in exciting and said

Mayank:  Thank you Samaira you have given the best gift

Mayank to Samanya : Princess soon you are going to be an elder sister

Samanya: wahh yeahh i will become an elder sister

Everyone congratulate them of the good news

After 9 months Samaira gave birth to a baby boy
Mayank named him Manav

And they lived happily ever after ♡

                          THE END

So it's the epilogue

Ik the ending is little rushed.... pardon me for that

And I am sorry i may not be posting any new story coz of my busy schedules ......I am really sorry

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Well i am really missing the old sumellika
Hope they soon get some project together

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