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Samaira: Where is the idiot Mayank??
Bikram: He is again late 🙂
Samaira:  This boy will never change  ..... he is late even in his first day of college like seriously......
Naina: look there he is coming 🚶

Mayank: Sorry guys for Late ......
Samaira:  ouchhhh!! You idiot you stepped on my foot .....
Mayank: ohh sorry
Samaira: what sorry...interfered by Bikram and Naina
Bikram: Stop it guys don't start fighting on the first of our college
Naina: yeah...
Mayank and Samaira:  whatever

They entered the college and went towards the dashboard to see their room numbers all of got the same class as all of them were majoring the same subject...

Mayank:  ohh wow Meghna is also in our class ....
Samaira:  stop it
Mayank: huh stop being jealous of Meghna
Samaira: Shutup why would i be jealous of Meghna
Mayank:  you..
Bikram : guys please not now
Mayank and Samaira : Whatever ..

In class :
Samaira and Naina were sitting together and Mayank and Bikram were sitting together in a bench
And gossiping
Samaira: You guys carry on  i just go and use the washroom saying this she went to the washroom

In the way of washroom Samaira saw some boys were ragging a girl in the ground
Girl : please leave me
Boys : no you have to dance in front of the whole college
Girl:  😣
as you all know our Samaira  can't see someone's trouble she immediately went for the girl's rescue

Samaira:  Hey you!! Leave her .... for what reason you are troubling her
1st boy: hey beautiful girl don't interfere in our work otherwise you will pay for this
Samaira:  No you guys first leave her
2nd boy:  hey you will not listen like this and the boy gave her a shove
Samaira:  How dare you touch me .


Mayank:  hey naina were is the tomboy?..
Naina:  she went to the washroom but she didn't returned yet it is more than 30 minutes now.....and i am not feeling good about it ..
Mayank in mind : now what happened to this girl..
Suddenly a boy came running towards the class
Boy: Hey guys Vicky is having a quarrel  with a girl
Here our Mayank Naina and Bikram understood that the girl is none other than Samaira
They hurriedly went to the ground

In the ground
Boy 3 i.e Vicky:  hey stop girl it will not be good.
Samaira: you guys stop disturbing that girl and leave her
Saying this Samaira kicked ramesh  and mukesh ( boy 1& boy 2)
Samaira was about to slap Vicky but hold her hands and said
Vicky:  You have to pay for this girl
Saying this he shoved Samaira so hard that fall on the ground and hurt her legs and it was bleeding from that cut..
Vicky was about to touch her

Person:  don't dare to touch her.....


So it's the 2nd part ...
How is the part??
Who is the person??
What do you think??tell me in the comments section

And how is the nok jhok of  Mayank and Samaira...

Hope you guys like it

Stay tuned


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