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Person: Don't dare to touch her!

Samaira: Whispers......Mayank

(Yes you guys are right the person is none other than our Mayank)

Mayank to Vicky : Stop this...
Vicky: Who are you to say this ??Her boyfriend or what
Mayank little bit embarrassed:  No she is my FRIEND.
And Mayank and Vicky starts arguing and fighting
Bikram and Naina keeps on telling them not to fight but Mayank was not listening at all
Samaira:  Stop fighting Mayank professors will scold us
Mayank: No Samaira how can he behave like this with you huh....he should know how to respect girls ..
Again they started their fight

Dean : Stop this nonsense boys otherwise you guys will be suspended for a whole year

Ramesh and Mukesh to Vicky: boss we will see them later on now its better to go
Vicky:  hmmm
Vicky: You have to pay for this boy
Saying this they left

Here Samaira was unable to stand due to the cut in her leg
So Mayank lifts her in bridal style and  went to the sick room

Bikram: This guys are totally unpredictable they are always fight but at the same time act like lovers
Naina: Are you thinking the same what i am thinking
Bikram: Yeahh🙄
Naina: so lets execute the plan 😎😎


In the sick room :

Mayank was applying ointment to Samaira's cut ..
Mayank: What Do you think of yourself Samaira you again started fighting if i have not come there in time then something will happened to you
Samaira:  oucchh
Mayank applying the ointment slowly:  Sorry!! Is it hurting??
Samaira:  a little
Samaira started admiring Mayank and a sensation hits her but she was unable to understand  it
Mayank: You should have told me then i will help and ensure that the boys should not have ragged the girl
Samaira:  What do you think of yourself that you are the don of this college and they will listen your orders
Mayank: they will because i am not dumb like you
Samaira: you are
And they again started their quarrel

The girl entered the room
Girl (titli) : Hi ...sorry for me you got hurt
Samaira: No no its alright they are teasing you and its humanity
Btw I am Samaira Hussain
Mayank:  Hi i am Mayank Singhania

Titli:  Hi myself Titli kaur
Samaira:  Lets be friends
Titli: why not
Titli: Btw you guys look cute while arguing lovers 😍❤

Mayank and Samaira started blushing
Samaira and Mayank together:  No no its nothing like that 😶😶

Bikram:  won't you guys introduce us with your new friend
Naina:  yeah

Mayank:  Titli this is Bikram and Naina our bestfriends
Titli: Hi both
Mayank: Samaira can you walk now
Samaira: yeah but its hurting a little
Mayank:  wait let me hold you
Then he hold Samaira by her waist  and went to leave her to her house
In between Meghna came and asked Mayank
Meghna:  Hey Mayank wanna join me for a movie

Mayank: Sorry Meghna......can't go have to leave Samaira to her home
Samaira: Mayank you can go i can manage

Mayank : uff shutup Samaira and lets go ...
Samaira was somewhere happy listening this.
And they left

Meghna to herself :  huh drama queen whatever....i won't  have asked Mayank , i would have gone with that handsome Ronit but he was busy thats why i have asked  him leave i will go by myself

Infront of Samaira house :
Samaira:  thanks Mayank for leaving me
Mayank: Oh my God tomboy is saying me thanks....🙄
Samaira: 😑😂😂
And both of them started laughing
Mayank: Get well soon samy ..... freshers party is at our doorsteps we have to practise na
Samaira: yeah 😄
Mayank: bye see you tomorrow
Samaria: bye
The both were smiling and Mayank left..

So it is 3rd part
How is it ??
How is Mayank's care for Samaira ?
What is Bikram's and Naina's plan ?comment below.
What do you think about Meghna's personality??
How is Mayank's and Samaira's sweet moments??

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