Life to Live

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Y/n Pov

We see the inside of the boar hat tavern in a room where the sins including Y/n are by Elizebeth's side as she was unconscious in bed after Meliodas explained that she was regaining her memories after helping Merlin

Meliodas: "it's all over..." Diane audibly gasped "it won't take long for Elizebeth's memories to come back to her. When she's regained them three days...Elizebeth will die!" He said while laying over her as everyone was shocked while Y/n had an unreadable expression

Diane: "wait...what do you mean she's gonna die? You're joking right!" She said with disbelief and worry but received no answer "Say something!"

Meliodas: "It's no joke. This has always been our destiny, now there's no need to hide it from you anymore. I'm just gonna tell you everything. All...of this three thousand year journey of mine." He said with a hurt expression before he continued to explain how for the passed three thousand years he and Elizebeth were punished and cursed for their crimes against their races

King: "wait, what? Punished by who?!" The sky outside became overcast and stormy as Y/n's eyes lit up brighter

Y/n: "Only two beings could in place a curse that powerful...our Father, the demon king and the Supreme Deity." I said with my arms now crossed

Meliodas: "We were completely unmatched, they were too powerful." He said seemingly remembering the events "And in the end, we were both killed. Or so we thought..." he then explained how the curse inflicted on the two of them were cursed, Meliodas with always being able to revive when killed and Elizebeth with always dying when regaining her memories and reincarnating no matter what

Y/n: "So father and the Supreme deity sought to punish you for eternity. And that's how you're still alive after three thousand years" I say with a serious expression while the rest of the sins were silent while Meliodas stayed by Elizebeth's bedside and explained the lives he lived with her and all the solutions he thought to lift the curse and how Fraudrin happened to escape the coffin of eternal darkness during this time and sacrificed a whole kingdom to try and revive the demon race

Meliodas: "For the next three days and nights, flames devastated the entire kingdom, all I could do was stand there, missing her and feeling helpless." He said coldly and paused for a moment before continuing "Each one of them...I've watched a hundred-and-six Elizebeth's draw their final breath. And after all this time, it's never gotten any easier." Hawk and Diane were in tears now "That's why Elizebeth made me promise to lift the curse, she wants to release me from this eternal suffering." He stood up and face the window "I'm really sorry, I never wanted to keep this from all of you."

Diane: she stepped forward "Hey wait! If that curse is finally lifted, then what's going to happen to you and Elizebeth?" She said concerned as Y/n spoke up with a pained expression

Y/n: "Their eternal Life and Reincarnation ends. And the journey finally stops." I say while looking at the floor

Diane: "Captain! You can't!" She starts to don lightly while king moves to her side

Hawk: he was in tears before speaking with a heavily running nose "so you two...are gonna..." his voice drifted off and didn't finish his sentence

Meliodas: "Well. I'm sure you have other things to say about this." He says trying to break the silence of the others and lighten the mood albeit slightly

Diane: "I can't take it! I just can't!" She was still crying before Meliodas came closer to her

Meliodas: "Hey Diane, tell me, what do we need to do now?" He said smiling as Diane hesitantly answered

Diane: "We should head over to Camelot." She wiped her tears

Meliodas: "Sounds good!" He smiled and continued "all right then, let's just focus on the goal ahead of us." He said while the sun was now setting outside

Merlin: "At the moment, our objective is to rescue the hostages and liberate Camelot. Currently it's guarded by a dimensional distortion that's impervious to magical power." She said while they were all looking at a map around a table "And the site where it originated is right here." She pointed on the map

Meliodas: "The city of Coland. They suffered a mass slaughter a few centuries back and were wiped out." He said with a tone of seriousness

King: "Coland, that sounds familiar somehow." He said while in thought

Meliodas: "we're heading there now! And we'll get rid of that distortion!" He looked at Y/n as they nodded at each other

Short Timeskip

We see Y/n on the boar hats balcony staring put into the moonlight with a serious expression before he began thinking back to something

Memory, 3000+ years ago
3rd Pov

We see Rajine fighting against multiple Goddess clan members while her and a handful of demons were fighting in a battlefield before she was overrun and about to be stricken fatally by a female goddess

Rajine: she braced herself and closed her eyes tightly but nothing hit her as she opened them to see the two goddesses who were holding her plummet to the ground in twos "Y/n..." she said wide eyed as Y/n had his giant claw gripped on the female goddess' head as she tried to fight back

Y/n: "I told you I'd never let anyone take you." He crushed the goddess' head and dropped her as she fell to the ground before he wrapped his large darkness covered arms around her

Rajine: "I didn't need your protection, you know?" She said with a smirk while looking up at him and in his arms

Y/n: "And I believe you entirely, my demoness." The two of them moved off at blinding speeds taking down scores of goddess clan members one after the other and not long after they were floating above the battlefield

Rajine: "Is that the 'merciless demon' I saw or was it Y/n?" She said before he looked at her with a blank expression

Y/n: "It was whoever you wanted it to be." He said with a hint of playfulness before Rajine kissed him and he returned the kiss as the memory faded out

Timeskip, next day
3rd Pov

We see the boar hat tavern carried by hawks mom approach a city in the distance with Diane walking beside it with her and all the sins wearing their armour sets and Y/n stood with them in his same attire with his cape covering his body

Y/n: "Our target, is just up ahead." He said while the others readied themselves to move in

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