The Sins Reunite with a New Member

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Y/n Pov

I was resting on top of a castle in Liones with right on the edge Meliodas and the other sins that were there and I opened my eye to listen to Meliodas speak

Meliodas: what a Blast from the past he was sitting cross crossed on the floor I could be wrong here but isn't this the old castle where we were framed for the murder of the grandmaster?

Y/n: this fogs really annoying I yawn and rest my head on my claws

Ban: Merlin, what gives? Why would you bring us out to a place like this? Something tells me it's not for the view.

Merlin: the kings vision, you do remember it I assume? This morning his majesty saw that same vision once again everyone looked at her including Y/n who opened his eye giving her a side glance the moon shimmering at mid-day, the low hanging fog, when it's haze fills the kingdom atop the peak of that fateful castle, the one that made us traitors to the kingdom, like a mirage, another moon will appear and the seven deadly sins...

Y/n: somethings off... I open my eyes looking up to see a black portal opening that can't be good.

Meliodas:I feel like I've seen that before somewhere.

Merlin: will all gather once again! Y/n yawns and opens his eyes to see a large rear coming down on him and his brother

Y/n: what the-! A loud thud is heard and a dust cloud forms and after it cleared out the giant girl and fairy boy are revealed making everyone gasp or groan

Fairy boy: hey there he rubs his neck long time no see.

Merlin: are the two of you safe and sound?

Giant girl: uh huh-

Ban: where the hell did you come from anyway ?

Escanor: miss Diane, King, are you both alright? The giant girl wipes a tear

Diane: I'm so happy to see you all again! I-I missed you! If only the captain were still alive to join us.

Meliodas: I am alive! He speaks muffled underneath her just barely, right under you're butt! She squeals and moves off him as he bursts from the crater as they two look at him with shocked faces hey where's Y/n?!

King: who's Y/n? He looks at Diane

Diane: I have no idea... she looks around

Y/n: I'm here. They look over to see Y/n holding onto the side of the castle with one of his claws as he pulls himself up landing on the ledge

King Bartra: I've waited so long for this! The moment you finally gathered once again, the seven deadly si- Diane suddenly screams loudly cutting him off

Diane: it's him! That demon who attacked me! And the captains ghost!

King: his spear floats up besides him what do you think you're doing here murderer! Meliodas climbs out of the crater and stands in front of Y/n

Meliodas: let's calm down okay? Y/n isn't pure enemy anymore okay?

Ban: and in what world would a ghost be such a tiny run like that?

Escanor: Mister Ban is right, that's the captain, in the flesh.

Bartra: ummm- are you listening? He tried getting their attention but they still weren't listening

Meliodas: well, long story short, lots of stuff happened and then I came back to life and Y/n joined our side. He smiles

Diane: the captains really alive! She cries from happiness

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