Fighting For whats Right

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Y/n Pov

We were now on the move from Liones and Following some blue demons transporting humans and Meliodas and Ban moved in taking out the demons easily and freeing the trapped people who watched as the two rescued them

Meliodas: ah! He dusts his hands mission accomplished.

Ban: what's going on? You were looking kind of rusty back there captain Y/n jumps down from the ledge

Y/n: Meliodas did take out more he pat ban on the back and Ban has annoyed expression on his face while Meliodas's is smug, they walked towards the freed people

Meliodas: okay I got a question, where did these demons manage to capture all of you guys

Man: there's a village not to far from here that fell for an evil trap. Those who live there and those passing through-

Meliodas: I get the idea, we'll talk some more after we've taken care of 'em Y/n, Meliodas and ban ran off towards the swarm of blue demons coming towards them And they start fighting

Ban: for the captains lil brother your not half bad Y/n he says with a smirk as Y/n battles with a serious expression

Meliodas: I think his doing it for something else he looks at Y/n with a suggestive face ...or should I say, someone. he smirks

Y/n: I don't need to prove myself to anybody. They continue taking out the blue demons one by one


It was now the night and Y/n, Meliodas and ban were sit around a fire while Meli was eating bans food and Y/n was scarfing it down like he's never eaten before

Y/n: Ban, you may be a human but you sure can make great food he looks at Meliodas's food and he just leans away

Meliodas: this really makes coming back from the dead all worth it!

Ban: thanks! and I'm glad to be fighting by your side again, I gotta say him and Meliodas smile at one another listen. You've got your strength and that's great but your still no where near the level you were that day, right? Meliodas's face drops to a sad look as he seems to be in thought

Y/n: "it's about that curse again..." he looks at his claws and thinks about his father and everything he's been through "how weak can I be that I can't help my own brother." He sits in thought but Jericho pops into his head again "gah! Stop it Y/n how's not the time..." he shakes his head snapping back

Ban: hey! Just so you know. No matter what kind of mental baggage your carrying around in that head of yours it doesn't change the fact that your my friend, your the captain of the seven deadly sins, Meliodas the dragon sin. He bites from his meat and Meliodas smiles and thanks him

Y/n: he laughs never would I have thought I'd see my brother having a friend like you Ban, thank you for looking out for him while I was gone he smiles and Meliodas flicks his ear

Meliodas: you get in more trouble than I do you little perv... he taunts Y/n who grits his teeth with a tick on his forehead

Y/n: little perv!? What makes me a perv when you dive face first into your little girlfriends chest! He bonks Meliodas's head denting him into the ground

Meliodas: tsk, tsk, always resorting to violence when you've been caught he says smugly and how would you know that unless you've been looking? Y/n plays it off by yawning you coward.

Ban: he laughs a bit but then asks alright then, so what's our next move gonna be? He says with a mouthful

Meliodas: well first we're done rescuing the travellers captured by the demon race like bartrum asked, so our next we're gonna take back Camelot castle, at least that's what it would be ban makes a curious noise but~ before all that, there's something else we gotta do, remember?

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