Ch 2: Science project

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This is chapter 2, I hope you like it
Thoughts will be in italics also there will be a upcoming mention of Addison's moonstone mystery in here

3rd POV: The bell rings, Wynter goes to her science class. Today I'm going to pair you guys up in pairs of 2 & you will have to work on a science project about how the moonstone works. I will now announce the groups. 1st group is Zed & Bonzo, Willa & Eliza, Addison & Wyatt & finally Wynter & Alexis." Ms. Jones said as all of the students went to their partners, Wynter gasped at the fact that the teacher assigned Wynter & Alexis to work together, the thought of Alexis being close to her is already making her blush. "Hey, you're Wynter right?" Alexandria asked the bubbly werewolf. "Um, yes it is...I mean I'm Wynter Barkowitz." Wynter said in nervously ashe chocked on her words, well that was a complete failure, she thought to herself while Alexis giggled. "I'm Alexandria Cohen but you can call me Alexis." She said with a bright smile

Wynter's POV: As I was blushing as I'd awkwardly laughed while blushing as Alexis grabbed a chair & sat down next to me. "So, we're doing a project about the moonstone, you're a werewolf you probably already know a lot about it." Alexis said. "Yeah, I was thinking we could make mini replica of the moonstone & put lights in it to portray its power within &-" I rambled as I looked at her adorable face. "Oh bad wolf bad wolf." I said doing my signature bad wolf, balling my fists & hitting my head. "I'm speaking to much again, aren't I?" I asked her. "No, no I think it's a good idea." Alexis said with a smile, taking my hands off of my head, we staring at each other with sparkles in our eyes for a moment then awkwardly looking away. "Well, wanna go to the wolf den together after school to examine the moonstone?" I asked. "I'd love that." Alexis said. At the wolf den, I can feel other wolves were staring at Alexis but we made it to the moonstone. "Um, Alexis it would be nice if you could look at the moonstone from a distance & not get too close." I asked her as I know other wolves might not trust a vampire yet & after the Vanna incident trusting a vampire seemed harder than it was before. "The moonstone is so cool...with its crystal shield makes it powerful energy source." Alexis said in amazement. "We should start making it, I'll go grab the supplies." I said as I lead her to my room then ran off to find some art supplies.

Alexandria's POV: I saw Wynter came back with some crafting paper, a jar of fireflies, some glow in the dark paint & glue & sticks. As we almost finished the replica of the moonstone, Wynter was finishing up the final touches & I didn't know that we both reached for the glow in the dark paint, our hands touched & we quickly look at each other & took our hands away from each other as we were blushing awkwardly. "Oh s-sorry I didn't know you were reaching for it." I said a little embarrassed. "That's okay, I'm would you like to do the honors?" Wynter said as she was gesturing to the glow in the dark paint, I painted the paint on the replica & I squealed happily. "We did it...sorry was that too much?" I said happily as Wynter looked at me. "It's perfect." She said as we began less tense as what happened as I looked at my watch. "Oh sorry, I have to be back by dinner, see you tomorrow." I said as I almost forgot that my parents wanted me home for dinner by 6. "Yeah, bye." She said as I left the wolf den.

I hope you guys liked it, chapter 3 is coming soon
That's all for now
See ya later
Bye my zombies fans

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