tournaments and team

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Ayanokouji pov

I woke up and was ready to leave when I heard.

" hi kiyotaka "

I looked behind me to see yugi smiling

" hi yugi "

" do you want to walk to school together "

" sure "

" did you hear that some teams will have a teacher just for them "

" no what is it "

" chabashira sensei told us that we get put into groups of three to complete missions so we can help get rid of curses right "

" yeah "

" well I found out that the teams that are considered special will get there own teacher "

" I think you'll get one your already a grade 1 at this age "

" yeah maybe what about you "

" well I'm fine with whatever but I think I would prefer to have a sensei "

" yeah I have the same opinion "

" plus even if we don't get a sensei we will still get help from chabashira sensei and the school "

" I just hope to protect those in need "

" is that why you became a sorcerer "

" well yes its the basic reason why "

" why did you become a sorcerer kiyotaka "

I didn't think about it I had been trained to become a sorcerer though it was under the whiteroom.

Why did I still want to become a sorcerer even after being free from the whiteroom.

Only time will tell.

" the same reason as yours "

" that's great have you seen the tournaments table there almost filled up "

Why does he have so much energy in the morning.

" I was thinking about going during much wanna come kiyotaka "

" sure "

With that we entered class most people were kn their phones or chatting with our classmates.

" hi "

I spoke to my neighbor 

" I don't want to talk to someone like you "

Why was she so rude .

I just looked forward in front of me was a girl with long black hair I couldn't see her face but I could tell she looked cute.

" hi "

She just ignored me

" hello "

" what "

She turned around she was the same girl who wad rude at the entrance of the school.

Now that I looked closer at her she looked a little like sensei and she was really cute.

With breast size that could be fully cupped and aren't too small.

" I just wanted to talk to you "

" well I don't "

She turned around and continued reading her book.

Then chabashira sensei came and class started.

I soon realized that some kids weren't paying attention In class that doesn't affect me but the teacher should stop them.

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