Chapter 9: Getting Closer (Kelsi's POV)

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My ice skating lesson with Levi went well. My hand still feels the impression of his hand holding mine as he taught me to ice skate. His patience throughout the lesson gave me hope that maybe I won't look like a damn fool when the ski trip comes around. We've been crossing a lot of lines lately. Every single touch is wanted, every single touch is needed. Every single touch is craved.

I didn't know Levi could make me feel like this. Goose bumps rise to my skin as I think about Levi climbing all over me, how good it'd feel to have him inside me thrusting away. I've never really thought of anyone else graphically before. Sure I've had a thing for Justin for years, but then this Levi thing came out of nowhere and hit me like a steam engine. If Scarlett knew Levi and I were planning to have sex sometime soon she'd flip. She is still planning on getting sexy underwear with me, but she thinks it's for Justin.

What if my interest in Justin formed because Levi was an untouchable friend who is now up for touching? The drive back to my house after ice skating is filled with multiple calls from Scarlett...I don't text and drive or take calls. My mom told me a story of when she almost died while texting pregnant with me. I've been too fearful to even attempt it, Scarlett on the other hand drinks soda and puts makeup all over her face when she drives.

I pull into my driveway and am greeted by Scarlett. She's livid and her hands are flying all over the place as she waves them about her head. Her shoulders are pulled back as her posture imitates a cobra ready to strike.

"What the fuck? What the actual fuck? I wake up and you aren't home. Where were you?"

"Chill I was with Levi. He took me ice skating. And you aren't my damn mother, okay? You don't have to stay, Scarlett. If you're going to be a bitch then just go home."

"I can't believe you just ditched me like that. You could have at least told me you were fucking Levi."

"I'm not fucking him. We were ice skating. Jesus. Just go home. We'll talk later."

Her nostrils flare when I slam the door. I lock her out, she can get her shit later. I'm not in the mood to get bitched at by Scarlett right now. I love her but this is too much. I'm sure we'll apologize later, that's a guarantee.

Me: Come over.

Levi: Miss me already?

Me: Yes. And Scar and I are fighting.

Levi: Okay. I'm coming.

Levi sneaks into my room via the ladder my dad installed for us. Dad says it's a fire escape just in case we ever need it. My dad was a firefighter at one point but quit due to an injury received on the job. I don't see Dad much these days. My parents are on and off fighting and sometimes dad goes away to air BnBs when they have issues to sort through. He always comes back though.

It's hard to look at Levi after a Scarlett fight considering this one's over him. It's when I look into his eyes that my blushing returns. His smile drives me crazy and that feeling from earlier returns. The feeling between my legs squeezes tighter. My body is aware that Levi's here and it wants him again. I walk over to him and rest my head on his chest casually as if I've always done it.

"What can I do for you?" I look at him and kiss his lips. I put my hand behind his head. He presses his lips into mine. I hadn't really planned on what would happen next, I just wanted to see Levi again. I pull away again.

"I wanted to see you again. What's happening between us, Levi? Why do I have all these feelings for you? It just doesn't make sense." I sit down beside my bed and Levi sits down too.

"I know what you mean. We grew up together but now we notice each other. I don't know what all this means, but I do like spending time with you, Kelsi. Are you really sure you want your first time with me?"

"There's no one else I trust more than you. That sounded stupid and cheesy but you know what I mean. You'd take care of me. I don't know if it's meant to be or what but I just like spending time with you, Levi. Our chemistry makes me want you more and...shit I don't know..."

We're still skirting around the words to say. To everyone else it might be obvious we're in love. But for us, it's more complicated than that. We can't just come out and say it even if we want to. Even if I want to say those words, do I mean them? Would I mean them? Could I mean them? Am I really in love with Levi Baron and who is Justin Baron anyway?

Levi sits down with me on my bed. My parents are still away until tomorrow. It's just us and there's no threat of an angry Scarlet returning to the house anytime soon. He gets a pillow for me and places it on his lap. I lean back and I look up at him.

"Can I kiss you again, Kelsi?" He's such a gentleman to even ask me. Justin would have done it but not Levi, never Levi.

"Yes." I barely manage to say in return before his lips find mine. His hands are all over my face and he kisses me upside down. His hands make their way to the edges of my v-neck as he signals that he wants to touch what's under my shirt. I can barely contain the thought of Levi touching my breasts, I want him to though. He pulls away.

"Kelsi...can I touch you?" That question sends my mind into ecstasy. I nod and mouth 'yes' to him.

"I want you to touch me all over..." I put my mouth back in his and his hand inches closer to my chest. His hand finally makes its way to my breast as he cups it, skin on skin contact couldn't be any sweeter. He pulls and tugs on my tits in ways I've never experienced. His other hand makes its way to my other breast, and my heart is pounding for Levi. Levi of all people, how did this happen?

Levi starts to undo my belt and I lean back more so he can touch me everywhere. I've already given him permission. He removes a hand from my chest and places it at my belt line. He inches to the edges of my panties and I hump his hand. Levi's never touched anyone like this. We've crossed over, how far we go today determines the fate of our friendship.

"May I continue or are you uncomfortable?" He checks in with me again and I let him.

"Yes, you can. I'm not ready to have sex today though." I look up at Levi and he smiles at me. I think he might love me, and I think I've known for a while.

"I understand." He kisses me again and his hand teases the entrance of my body. His finger enters my core and I let out a moan. His hand goes in and out and I hump his hand. I thrust harder with urgency to get the feeling of Levi inside of me. He inserts a second finger into me and puts his tongue in my mouth. Why does he have to feel so good?

We're interrupted by movements coming from the ladder. Levi stops and I quickly pull myself together, belt and all. I don't look at Levi. I'm still wet from where Levi was exploring. I didn't know that he could make me feel so alive, and now that I know that I want it to be him I lose my virginity too. If this confirms anything for me, it confirms that I've fallen for Levi. I didn't know for sure if I loved my best friend, but I think I do.

The ladder continues to move and another Baron boy's face appears from my window.

"There you are pretty thing. You haven't been hiding from me have you?"

Levi looks at me looking at Justin. If a moment ever made me want to run away and hide it is this one. Not only were Levi and I intimate a second ago, but now his cousin has shown up wondering where I have been. I hope Levi doesn't think I've done stuff like this with Justin because I haven't. Whatever happens next might determine if Levi ever touches me like that again. I sure hope he does because right now I'm turned on, because of him and no one else.

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