Chapter 2: Math Problems (Levi's POV)

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Math class is endless, and my eyes keep wandering to Kelsi. I've made such an ass of myself. I know she's not my girlfriend, but I've crossed a line today. It's probably for the best if we never speak of this ever again. I'm not sure what's come over me.

Kelsi's long curly dark brown hair has gotten longer, and sometimes I want to put it behind her ear just to see what she'd do. I should have asked her out ages ago, but it's too late now. It's the last semester of high school and it would be pointless. Kelsi flips her hair back and I keep staring. I see where her eyes are focused on Justin, my cousin. He's not a bad guy, but he's a player and he'd use Kelsi. Is it wrong that I want to be Kelsi's first? Shit...why am I thinking like this?

My heart pounds as Mr. Jones calls on me to answer the question. Kelsi turns around and our eyes meet, my cheeks turn red.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jones I don't understand how to do this problem," I reply as I sink lower into my chair.

"Stop daydreaming then, Mr. Levi, and you might understand how to solve these equations. Does anyone else know the answer to this problem?"

Mr. Jones taps the board impatiently with the dry-erase marker as my cousin raises his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Justin, what's the answer?"

"Three. The answer is three," Justin smirks as he stares back at me.

"Correct. Perhaps you could indulge your cousin with some tutoring later."

Kelsi lets out a small sigh for Justin. I know it's for him because she won't stop eye fucking him.

"Jealousy never looked good on you," Orion Strauss whispers. Orion and I go way back. He's been my best guy friend, other than Justin, for years.

"I'm not jealous. I'm just...staring at..." I panic and attempt to finish that sentence.

"Kelsi... you're staring at Kelsi," Orion interrupts.

The bell rings and I find Kelsi in the hallway. I grab her wrist again.

"Let go of me, Levi. Haven't you done enough damage for one day?" I immediately let go of her wrist. I really need to stop touching her, but lately, that's all I want to do to my best friend. I wish the way she looked at Justin was the way she looked at me.

"Let me make it up to you. Let's go to Justin's after school and we can all hang out. I'll even leave you two alone."

She has no idea how hard that sentence is for me to say. I'd literally be handing Kelsi over to Justin which is against my better judgement. He'll likely hurt her feelings and not on purpose, that's just who he is. I stare at her lips for a split second, and she catches me. Her cheeks turn red like they do sometimes when I'm being playful. We've always flirted a little, it was part of our charm and friendship dynamic.

"You'd be willing to do that for me?" I'd be willing to do just about anything for Kelsi but maybe she doesn't truly know or believe that.

"Yes, why?"

"This morning before class you asked me if being your girlfriend would be such a bad thing. What did you mean by that?"

Kelsi has a way of putting me on the spot. It's obvious that I...

"It was a general question. Don't think anything of it. In fact, let's never speak of it again. It doesn't mean anything, Kelsi, okay? Can we just drop it?"

All I ever do is stuff my feelings for Kelsi down. I hate that it has to be that way. But she'd never notice me like that, so being her best friend is the next best thing. At least I get to be in her life if I'm willing to play that role.

Kelsi grabs my arm as we head to our next class. My cheeks turn red again, and she looks up at me with those brown eyes of hers. One of these days I'm going to give in to Kelsi and it will be an accident.

"Alright, we won't speak of it again. And sure let's go hang out with Justin after school. I'd love that. Thanks, Levi. As for giving me ski lessons, I'd appreciate that. When can we start that?" Her brown eyes are still staring up at mine and I look at her lips.

"Today, we can start after we hang out with Justin. Or we can cross-country ski or ice skate. There's more than just downhill skiing and snowboarding at the resort. Don't worry we have a month to master the basics. I'll teach you."

She smiles at me as we head into our next class. She agrees to put our morning conversation behind us so we can focus on the present. I spend the rest of my day looking at Kelsi's photos on my phone. For the rest of my class, I regret that I didn't ask her out for real this morning. I have a feeling that will come back to haunt me. The last bells chime as I pick up my bags and prepare for an afternoon at Justin's house.

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