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They had been 'working' all night, it had just turned 4AM. The character sighed, snapping out of their 'work,' more like a fixation that they keep overthinking about.

Of course, they never really did need to do any of this, they simply tell themself that it's expected, that they needed to do it. In result they work themself tirelessly, even with something as small as a drawing, they will work on it till they drop dead.

It was a bad habit, but they needed something to do to keep their mind busy, can't cry tonight!

They stood up and stretched, they picked up their phone (pretend these things make sense- ) and checked the time sighing.

'4:06AM' the bright screan read out. They groaned at realizing they wouldn't be sleeping tonight, not like they wanted to anyways, they hated the thought of sleeping at all, it just.. disturbed them for some reason.

They didn't even deserve rest regardless.. the animatronic sighed, they closed their eyes for a second,  they quickly jumped up in a quick motion though, not wanting to let their exhaustion get to them just yet, or at all really.

"Oh, no no no.. can't fall asleep..!" They spoke quickly to themself, they held back a yawn as they began to move from their spot.

They paced around their room continuously for a bit, trying to think of something else to do to keep their mind occupied.


They jumped back, startled by the loud sound. They wearily peeped their head through the door of their room, looking for anything that might have made the sound.

Seeing nothing they sighed to themself, 'probably just hearing things again,' they thought, they sighed, stepping out of the room and looking around further. Maybe there would be something for them to do out here?

They clmbed up the little ladder and sat with crossed legs on the balcony area, they looked down at the dark daycare. Maybe they could clean..? They pondered the idea for a moment before settling on the it and jumping down into the ballpit, surprisingly not getting hurt in the process.

They climbed out slowly and attempted to rub some of the tired from their eyes as they went to go clean, 'might be a little harder in the dark, but it'll be alright!' They tried to reassure themself it was fine.

Their night vision wasn't seeming to be working at the moment, so it may be a bit harder then they hoped, but that would mean it may take longer so they didn't mind mu-


"Ow..!" They stumbled backwords, they had walked into one of the structures poles. They put their hand to their head, groaning slightly from the sudden pain, maybe this wasn't the best idea..

They figured no one else was awake, they hoped that was the case..  they didn't want to bother anyone with their presence- they were surely annoying to most.. Right? they sighed and put their hand in front of them, holding it out as a way to try and not walk into anything.

Ultimately, that plan had failed.


They fell to the ground and groaned, irritated. They tried to stand back up, but something had shoved them back down. They squirmed, trying to get up. 'What is that..' They struggled to get up, they heard a soft and tired sigh as they finally noticed the hands now holding them in place.

They squirmed even more with slightly more panic, they had to get up, their mind was set on that.

Suddenly they were pulled into hug, probably in attempt to stop them from trying to break free from the others grasp, right? They were startled by the action, but they calmed after a minute or two, and slowly leaned into it. It got even harder to keep their eyes from shutting, 'no no no! Stay awake, stay awake!' They mentally scolded themself for falling for this so easily, they couldn't even tell who this was!

The other being held them close, it was comforting.. they were tired, they were so tired..

Their eyes slowly shut, no longer being able to remain open as they melted into the others embrace. Everything felt foggy.. After a minute they almost instantly fell into a deep, and well overdue sleep.

The other picked up the sleeping animatronic gently and brought them to their room, carefully plopping them down on their bed. They laid a blanket over them and brought a couple pillows to surround him.

They sat next to the sleeping animatronic and slowly drited to sleep themself, leading this night to an end for the two brothers..



Made this way longer then I initially expected- Still could be longer though, sorry- ;-; But oh well, I hope you liked it!

I'll my best try to post weekly! Keyword, try.. ^-^

(I'm already failing-  :'D  )


Words: 817

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