Chapter 12

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When he felt nothing and heard a loud bang, he looked up at Minji with a pan in her hands. Josh, who was standing in the corner, took a look at the unconscious body of the woman and ran off as Minji walked towards him with a menacing look on her face. 

Minji hugged Taehyung tightly, he smiled softly and hugged her back. He slightly winced and Minji pulled back, She took a look at his wounds and her eyes widened. 

She panicked and looked at Taehyung, who was barely able to stay conscious. She searched around the hall and saw Taehyung's mobile phone.

 She immediately went to his emergency contacts and clicked on Jeongguk's number. 

"Tae-tae, please stay awake. Don't close your eyes, everything's going to be okay. Just don't fall asleep."

 She ushered as tears rolled down her face.

"Hello? Jeonggukie?"

 She said as Jeongguk picked up the call, panic laced in her voice.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" 

Jeongguk asked in a soft tone.

"Jeonggukie, Tae-tae....he's hurt Jeonggukie. He's hurt all over.......She hurt him. He's unconscious, sleeping......Please do something, Jeonggukie....."

"Calm down, baby. Everything is all right. I'll come to take care of Tae-tae. Turn on your location and I'll be there."

 Minji did as she was told and turned on the location. A few minutes later, Jeongguk was at their door. He rushed over to Taehyung, who was struggling to stay awake. 

He quickly called the ambulance and placed Taehyung on their tattered sofa. A few moments later, the ambulance siren was heard and nurses entered the worn-down vicinity. They put his unconscious body on a stretcher and loaded him into the ambulance. 

Jeongguk rushed to their side and kept asking whether he was going to be okay. He picked up Minji and drove to the hospital in the ambulance. Once they entered the hospital, they forced him to wait in the waiting lounge while they took Taehyung inside the ICU. 

Jeongguk and Minji waited for over an hour, both drowning in worry. The doctor finally stepped out of the doors and Jeongguk and Minji rushed to his side.

 "Is he okay now doctor?"

 Jeongguk asked, desperation in his voice quite evident. 

"He's in a stable condition, Luckily the injuries weren't too deep and didn't majorly damage any of his internal organs. He'll gain consciousness in maybe another hour and you'll be free to talk to him then. You can enter his room and feel free to contact the nurses if you feel something is wrong." 

The doctor stated as he flipped through his report.

Jeongguk released a breath of relief as he heard the doctor's report. He walked back to Minji and told her the good news. As soon as she heard her brother was going to be all right, she jumped around with joy and hugged Jeongguk tightly.

 He picked Minji up and carried her to the reception and asked for Taehyung's room number. They enter his room and see him on the bed, tubes connected to his hands and under his nose.

 Jeongguk's heart breaks as he looks at Taehyung's state. There were deep wounds that were covered with bandages on his stomach and one of his thighs.

 They sat down on the sofa and Minji immediately fell asleep, her body exhausted. Jeongguk put a blanket over her and sat down next to Taehyung's bed. 

His face was peaceful, and no signs of worry or restlessness were visible on his face. His eyes were closed, his long eyelashes resting on his beautiful tan skin. 

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