Chapter 9

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Jeongguk woke up bright and early, at 7 a.m. to be precise, excited for the trip he had planned. He had made a plan to take Taehyung and Minji to the beach and a fair that was set up near it. He finished his morning routine and headed downstairs to make breakfast. 

Taehyung woke up a while later and headed downstairs to the kitchen. He smelt the delicious smell of bacon and eggs and walked towards the kitchen. 

He saw a broad, shirtless figure near the stove and realised it was Jeongguk.....and he was shirtless. He tried to back away so as not to embarrass himself, but it seemed like Jeongguk noticed his presence and turned around with a pan in his hand and god was Taehyung amazed.

 Jeongguk had a full six-pack, his arm muscles flexing as he flipped the omelette on the pan. He kept staring, only adding to the embarrassment. 

Jeongguk places the pan down and walks towards Taehyung a smirk on his face. He knew he had made an impact on Taehyung, he knew right away by the way he was staring at him.

 Taehyung is combusting on the inside, and Jeongguk's face is way too close. Jeongguk's head suddenly dipped low and he whispered in his ear 

"You'll be seeing more of this later on."

 Jeongguk simply walked away, a smirk still planted on his annoyingly handsome face, as if he hadn't done anything.

 'What did he mean by that? Is it.... No no no STOP! don't think about that, you know what happens when you think about that. Nothing is going to happen to you, Jeongguk's a nice guy.'

 He brushed these thoughts aside and went up to the bedroom to check on Minji. He saw her still sleeping peacefully on the bed, cuddling a pillow. He smiled to himself and went downstairs to have breakfast. Jeongguk had put on a shirt and was laying down plates on the table. 

"Is Minji up yet?"

 "No, but do I need to wake her up?"

 "No need to do that, let her sleep. We still have time before the fair starts."

"Aha! So, we're going to a fair!"

 Taehyung exclaims as he sits down at the table. Jeongguk serves him breakfast sits down on his seat and says

 "Yeah, we're going to a fair beside a beach. I've planned the whole thing so you don't have to worry. You can borrow my swimsuit I ordered a swimsuit for Minji; it should come by 3 and then we can leave by 4 and since it's like an hour's drive away from here we'll reach by 5, just in time for the fair to start." 

"Wow you have planned it all, haven't you? Well, I look forward to enjoying this trip and spending time with you." 

Taehyung said, smiling at him. Jeongguk smiled back and said, 

"Well, I look forward to spending time with you too and getting to know you and Minji more."

 Their conversation keeps flowing as they finish eating breakfast. Once they're done, Jeongguk starts washing the dishes while Taehyung goes upstairs to take a bath. 

Taehyung enters the room and sees Minji already awake, brushing her teeth in the bathroom. He quietly enters and ruffles her hair, to which he receives a jab to the stomach. 

He informs her that Jeongguk is waiting downstairs for her to have breakfast. She hurriedly finishes brushing her teeth and runs downstairs.

Taehyung takes out some clothes from Jeongguk's cupboard and a towel and heads to the bathroom. He steps out of the shower fifteen minutes later, dressed in a black hoodie that's way too big for him and a pair of jeans. 

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