Chapter 7

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Taehyung's mother kept him quite busy and restless for the next week and a half, always coming up with the stupidest reasons to hurt, scold him or bring up a certain event that had scarred him forever, reducing his crippling self-confidence to almost a null level. 

She emotionally and physically pressured him into giving her his merited money. Taehyung did not know where the money going or to whom it was going, but if this kept going, he wouldn't have enough money for food. 

Taehyung was already skipping breakfast and dinner so that Minji had enough food to eat. Taehyung always looked so tired and done with it all when he was in school. Jeongguk was so worried for Taehyung's health and knew something was wrong. 

Every day he would spot a new bruise or wound on Taehyung's body, he was smiling and laughing with his classmates, but Jeongguk knew it was an act. Taehyung was not okay.

 He would always doze off in classes and looked like he was about to pass out at any moment. At one point in the cafeteria, he wasn't able to walk straight, his steps not at all stable as he stumbled over his foot. 

Jeongguk placed his around his waist to support him up placed on his shoulder and slowly guided him towards a secluded table. A while later he heard small snores and realised Taehyung had fallen asleep.

 He takes this opportunity to examine Taehyung's face, bags under his eyes and various cuts on his cheeks and forehead. Jeongguk's curiosity got the best of him and he finally rolled up Taehyung's sleeves. 

He let out a loud gasp at what he saw, bruises and wounds scattered all over his arm, some almost healed and some still fresh, blood evident on his hands. Jeongguk slowly rolled up his other sleeve, to see more cuts and bruises litter his arm.

 Taehyung stirred up in his sleep and Jeongguk quickly rolled down his sleeves. Taehyung looked up at Jeongguk and said 

"Did I fall asleep at lunch? Oh fuck, we gotta get to class."

 Taehyung tried getting up but Jeongguk's hand was still placed around his waist. He glanced at the hand and blushed. Jeongguk smiled at his reaction and said 

"You're not going anywhere. You need to get some rest. You look awful baby." Jeongguk rested his hand on Taehyung's face, his thumb gently caressing his skin.

Taehyung blushed even more at the nickname but relaxed into his touch. He fell asleep again, while Jeongguk called Jimin to tell him to inform their homeroom teacher that he and Taehyung wouldn't be attending classes after lunch due to Taehyung being sick. 

Jeongguk decided it would be best if they go back home. He reluctantly woke Taehyung up and guided him to his car. Taehyung exclaimed 

"You have a car? A Mercedes at that? Damn, you rich boi."

 Jeongguk chuckled at his cuteness and started driving to his house. He lived well into the city and that meant his house was at least an hour's drive away from school, but he didn't mind.

 Taehyung fell asleep in the car and this time Jeongguk decided not to wake him up, he picked him up in bridal style and made his way inside. 

Taehyung snuggled into his chest and Jeongguk internally screamed at his cuteness entered his room and placed Taehyung on his bed. 

He got up to change out of his school clothes but Taehyung wouldn't let go of his hand. He turned to look at Taehyung, who was still fast asleep, and couldn't resist and jumped into bed. Taehyung's body felt hot. 

Jeongguk touched his forehead and it was scorching, he had a fever, and it was very evident. He took out a cooling pad from his bedside table, which was kept there at hand reach so it would be easier for him to pull it out when he was sick.

He placed the cooling pad on his forehead and Taehyung flinched at the sudden cold contact. Taehyung shifted closer to him and Jeongguk wrapped his arms around his waist. He could smell the sweet lily scent of the brunette's perfume. 

Taehyung sighed, sleeping in complete tranquillity and without any worries.

Jeongguk woke up a few hours later to someone's phone ringing loudly. He groaned and picked up the call.


"Taehyung-ah, are you okay? You're late to work, are you almost here?"

"Jin hyung? Is that you?

"JeonJeonggukie? Are you with Taehyung right now?"

"Yeah, he's sleeping beside me. The baby was so tired at school, almost passed out. So, I brought him home. He has a high fever, but I think it's getting a bit better. How do you Tae?"

"He's an employee at the café, but he's like family to me. Poor baby, he doesn't deserve anything that's happened to him. He's so fragile and broken, the harsh life he has ruptured him. But anyway, take care of him, I'll pick Minji up and bring some food and medicine, he needs to have a proper, full meal. Bye-bye, and call me if anything comes up."

"Okay, but who's Minji?"

"Minji is his sister"

He set the phone and gazed at the boy sleeping peacefully on the bed. He starts asking questions himself 

"What's happened to him? And why hasn't he had a proper meal?" Jeongguk thought this look suited him more than the drained and done-with-it expression he had all day. 

His eyes travelled to the bruises on his beautiful face and he figured out he had either gotten beaten by someone or cut with something tiny. He wonders to himself how anybody could hurt such a beautiful person. 

His eyes make their way down his face to his eyes that he recently discovered are one monolid and one double-lid, his long eyelashes resting gracefully on his perfectly tanned skin, a cute button nose and luscious pink lips. 

His staring session gets interrupted by the bell, he leaves a peck on Taehyung's forehead and rushes downstairs to open the door. He sees Jin hyung with a big plastic with food and medicine.

 He pushed past Jeongguk and immediately ran to his room. That's when he noticed the small figure at the doorway. He assumes this is Minji and bends down to reach her height and says

 "You must be Minji. I'm Jeongguk, Tae's friend."

He extends his hand out and smiles, but Minji swats the hand away and wraps her hand around his neck, hugging him tightly. 

Jeongguk hugs back, happy he made a good first impression on her. She says 

"Thank you for taking care of Tae-tae. You're just the person he needs in his life right now. But, if you break his heart then I won't be the best person to talk to."

 "Damn, this girl is scary. How old is she again?" 

He thinks to himself as he assures her, that he doesn't have plans to do that. 

They make their way up to his bedroom, to see Taehyung awake and Jin hyung feeding him soup. 

"You didn't need to make so much food Jin hyung. A simple sandwich would've done the job"

 Taehyung says pointing to the array of food that lay on the table. Jin hyung sighed and says

 "Bullshit. You have to eat a proper meal, Taehyung-ah. Just shut up and eat."

 He was harsh but Taehyung knew he meant well. 


double update cause I'm happy 

and lastly, ILY and stay safe ( •̀ ω •́ )✧


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