Chapter 3: Congressus

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"What if this is another trick? Like the admi- Romeo?" Aiden couldn't help but to stare back and forth between Jesse and older Jesse.

He was in the Sky City prison when the Admin-thing happened, but from what he's heard, it was very convincing. Some people in Beacon Town still have their doubts, Lukas did make a good point.

"I- you guys also had him too huh? No, I'm not Romeo in disguise or anything. Though I don't know how else to prove that..."

"And what's with the pumpkin?" Aiden nodded to the scarred white pumpkin mask lying a few blocks away.

"Ah." Older-Jesse knelt over and carefully picked up the pumpkin and turned it over in his hands. "Journeying through different worlds is not forgiving on the skin. I picked it up a long while ago." He added with a dry chuckle. "It was orange but faded from the sun and time."

"Wait, wait, how did you travel through worlds? What is that blue stuff?" Jesse finally broke out of his shock.

The older Jesse didn't respond at first, seeming to hesitate abit, shuffled his stance, turned over the pumpkin in his hand again, glanced at Lukas with soft eyes and to me, with what I think was contempt or confusion, and finally sighed. "Sculk, it's the only way I can portal myself back home."

"What exactly is sulk?" Jesse asked.

Lukas twitched a faint smile and I internally facepalm.

"I'm not entirely sure what it is-" Older-Jesse paused to scratch his face to what Aiden realized must have that sculk stuff was speckling his left cheek and causing slight grey-bluish discoloration in that eye. "It's magical or somewhat supernatural is most of what I know of it." He pulled the pumpkin over his head making all three flinch back abit.

One blue eye blinked from the dark crudely carved hole of the pumpkin. "Sorry.. It also makes me, er, sensitive to the sun." He knocked on the top of the eery head-wear and awkwardly chuckled. Which Aiden interrupted as a stupid way to lighten the mood.

A thick awkward tension blanketed the air, a sensation that seems to hover around the Jesses.

"Er, you must be exhausted, we can go back to Beacon Town and talk more about this after your rested." Jesse said finally, as always cutting the tension with his stupid word-sword shit.

One visible eye blinked through the pumpkin. "I'm not sure..."

"Yeah Jessie, I'm not sure parading the White Pumpkin through town is gonna sit good with the people over there." Aiden shook the pebbles and dirt off his jacket and landed WP Jesse a stare. To which Older-Jesse only looked down.

Jesse rolled his eyes, his thick dark lashes flittering. "We're not going to be 'parading' him, but I think it's better that we keep this a secret, atleast untill we can figure this out."

"Uh, Jessie? Can I have a word real quick?" Lukas gestured the dark haired boy over to him. Said dark brown haired boy immediately walked over like an obedient puppy-dog, leaving Aiden with, slightly more creepy and frankly scary WP Jessie.

"So what's your deal?"


Aiden glanced over to the lovebirds talking and occasionally glancing towards WP Jesse and back to the scarred pumpkin face. "The Jesse I know almost always travels with his friends, and if you really are a Jesse or anything like one you'd be traveling with your buddies, or did you get separated?"

He stiffened. Either bingo or I pissed him off. Aiden thought.

"I-" "Okay!" Jesse cut in walking back from their private-chat. Aiden grumbled at the interruption and glance at WP Jessie, who seems relieved by the distraction. "-We'll head back into Beacon Town through a back entrance that leads into the order hall, that way we can go without being seen."

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