The Final Battle pt18

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Y/N sat down for a moment though he was suddenly launched back by a spiked explosive which sent him flying into a wall. He couldn't even react before atleast 20 more were at his feet again and they sent hk. Flying through multiple more and they completely destroyed his suit.

Y/N groaned in pain as he looked at Alpha who was approaching.

Alpha: Good. You didn't predict it. This means my attack couldn't have been lethal.

Y/N: You wanna explain who the fuck you are you purple bitch.

Alpha: There's no need. You'll see me again soon enough. Oh why am I lying you'll be dead. It's the only thing I disagree with my master about.

Y/N: Your masters smart. What the fuck do you want?

Alpha: I was told I couldn't kill you, but I could critically injure you so the jobs a little easier for G-Man. You won't survive your fight with him.

Y/N: I have more backup suits, I have more titans I can call in. And I will as much as many times as I need to.

Alpha: Oh please.

Alpha suddenly side stepped as Frost tried to strike her with Sieges axe though she used a grenade to launch him away.

Alpha: Such weak pathetic friends. How did my master originate from him?

Y/N: Oh for fucks sake we got a Alt Frost now!

Frost: What?!

Y/N: I'll tell you after we kill this bitch!

Y/N and Frost both got up as Frost threw Y/N a knife. Both prepared themselves as Alpha smirked and pulled out more grenades. Though she suddenly jumped to the side as Reverb appeared and tired firing at her.

Y/N: Yes!

Alpha: Unfortunately for me I'm having to postpone your death, maybe it's good though, I can watch you suffer.

Y/N: I am going to rip your organs out one by one-

Alpha simply shushed Y/N.

Alpha: Don't let yourself get too angry, save it for G-Man, it's funnier the angrier the loser is.

Alpha blinked out of existence in a purple flash as Y/N sat down. Frost walked over and grabbed Y/N as they began flying off.

They were headed for the OG universe now, the fight was being taken directly to G-Man now, it was the final push.


Alpha appeared besides Frostburn as Elite Speakerman spoke to him.

Elite Speakerman: Sir, we've lost Siege Y/N, Distant Y/N and multiple G-Men and Scientists since our last report, we've barely gained any ground as they've gained miles.

Frostburn: I'm glad to come to the conclusion that this battle is lost then. Alpha, how did you do?

Alpha: Master I apologise but I wasn't able to critically injure Y/N due to one of the pitiful titans getting in my way. But I destroyed his suit and I believe lowered his confidence slightly.

Frostburn: Good. Without the suit he's just a human with a few fancy knife tricks. And even then his lack of confidence will limit him further. If he doesn't die during  this battle he won't for long after.

Alpha nodded.

Elsewhere Frost and Y/N had just arrived at the OG World near where Jet, Visionette and Boombox were. They had clearly raised the storage room from earlier when they killed the original Scientist. As Jet had her old arm back and also Boombox's old cannon on it while Boombox and Visionette had replaced all their parts with the weaker versions as well. A injured Hacker sat in the background.

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