Dream 1( The Chase)

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A little girl runs across the streets, those were her streets, her neighborhood, a place where she used to call safe, however right now it's empty, no one is in sight, not even a single soul...who would've thought, of all times, only now when she needs the most nobody is around...

She can hear those footsteps getting closer, they are chasing her down, they don't seem to care how frightened she is right now. They shout after her, telling her to stop, but she doesn't.

She clutched her backpack's straps harder, breathing heavily as she kept up the speed. "I'm almost there, just a little bit further" she thought, her breathing became shallow, her heart beating as if about to explode inside of her ribcage, she didn't think about shouting for help not even once, the fear engulfed her mind with such intensity that all her primordial instincts screamed at her to run, "run as fast as your legs can take you" that was all she could think of.

She was about to faint, she never did before, but at that moment where she tried to inhale but her lungs seemed to refuse, she could practically see the world turning black, but she couldn't stop running, she just couldn't, otherwise they would catch her and nobody knows what they would do to her, she knew, but she refused to even think that something as dark as that was a possibility.

Her day was going as always, she woke up, ate breakfast, went to school, her classmates messed around as per usual, she learned a few new things in class, said goodbye to her classmates and was heading home, if only she knew, if only she avoided those people, she thought it was okay, after all they were young just like her, but alas, appearances deceive as much as words and actions.

She makes a turn, there's one, she goes back and there's another, she runs straight to the street of someone who could help her and sure enough, there's one more "WHY? WHY ME? LEAVE ME ALONE!!" these were her thoughts, but she couldn't voice them out.

She ran, ran and ran until she couldn't anymore, and she stopped. She hoped that by this time someone, anyone would pass by them, someone to stop this insane chase, to stop her suffering, but ultimately, no one appeared... even a young child like her couldn't predict that such an occurrence would be possible, just what she had done to deserve this...

They cornered her and the mastermind behind all of this came forward with an expression that could only be translated as amusement. She looked at him frightened, exhausted and on the verge of tears she passed by him several times, he was the typical neighbor 1 or 2, she was polite and kind like her educator taught her. Was she wrong? Sure enough, not everyone deserves your kindness, now she knows, and it will be imprinted on her mind for a long time, maybe even until she dies. He looked at her and smiled, she always thought he was pretty and cute, but not anymore, that smile was full of malice, he enjoyed seeing her in that state, it was clear that he did notice her before passing by, smiling and greeting him occasionally, he was clearly waiting, waiting for the perfect moment to make her suffer or maybe he was just acting according to his instinct, who knows what was going inside of his mind. What would be of society if he grew like that? He tried to touch her but she struggled to get out of there, to no avail, all she did was get even more tired. The boy told his friends to hold her down and to prevent her from moving. She got increasingly scared and exasperated, but there were 4 of them and she was just a weak girl, petrified, all she could do was turn toward the wall, crying and begging them to stop and let her go, but they don't care, they laughed even more at that, "Who taught these kids after all? Who was so wicked that saw what these kids were turning into and thought it was fine?"

They inched closer, closer and closer and...

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