Chapter Three: JOSEPH POV

Start from the beginning

It was painful to sip the drink slowly. I limited myself to one, but I needed to be here long enough for the horses to rest. I was stuck in this cramped bar, making this nightmare worse.

My thoughts lingered on Bram and how I would confront him. The perfect scenario of him coming back to the barn voluntarily was unlikely. He would probably not listen to me as I explained why this was a mistake, so I had to prepare for the worst. Miles and I had poured the tranquilizer into a bottle. A blanket was in the back of the carriage so I could hide his body. Bram's wife and daughters would have to follow once I have him. They would have no other choice.

I was deep in my thoughts when a hand touched my back. The fingers delicately grazed around my ribs. I looked to the side to see a girl standing beside me. The girl leaned against the bar and smiled. She was young, probably close to Miles' age. Her blonde hair was braided and pinned back. She did not reek of alcohol like the men in this filthy tavern.

"I have not seen you here before," she said.

"I stopped for a bit," I said.

"Where are you going?"

I raised a brow as I looked at the girl. Why would she approach a strange man in a bar? Why was she even in this bar? One of the drunken patrons howled with laughter, and I cringed as he intensified my headache. This girl would at least be a welcome distraction from Bram and this loud tavern.

"New York," I said.

She scanned my body as she looked at my clothes.

"You don't look like a city person," she said with a smile. "What is waiting for you in New York?"

"I have to see some family," I said.

"That's exciting," she said. "I have never been able to go."

"I am only going for my brother. I hate the city."

The girl smiled wider, and it softened the features on her face. She was a pretty girl. Her skin was pale, with a splatter of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her blue eyes were round and soft. What was she doing in a place like this? She seemed so innocent.

"That's nice of you," she said. "Most people do not care about family."

I pushed myself off the counter so I was standing straighter. Clara and Miles had been rolling their eyes when I talked about the importance of family. They did not understand what I was trying to say. A random girl understood this more than my wife and son.

"Family is important to you?" I asked.

Her smile wavered, but she kept her composure. She let out a shaky breath and broke eye contact.

"It was," she said.

"Was?" I asked. "What happened?"

The girl bit down on her lip and closed her eyes momentarily. What thoughts were haunting her brain?

"They're all gone," she said. "My grandmother was the last person I had. She died a few months ago."

Her words caused my stomach to twist, and I lost my breath. This was what I feared. My family was dwindling, and soon, there would be none of us. I could be left stranded like this girl.

A man came up behind the girl. She jumped when he placed his hand on her shoulder, but she did not turn around.

"You've been keeping me waiting, Maisie," he said. "I haven't seen you for a few nights."

Her eyes widened in fear. She rolled her shoulder to shake him off, but he did not move his hand. He chuckled as he ran his other hand over his greying beard.

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