Chapter 2.1 - Alone Again.

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T/R: Suicide & Depression 

Y/N sat in his dimly lit apartment. Looking around, he didn't mind it. He was mostly alone, other than his roommate, Ethan. It had been a while since he'd spoken to Tara. Sam had asked Y/N to give them space, but with college, it all moved so quickly, and now... He had no idea where Tara was. They hadn't even discussed where they were going to college, and it worried Y/N. 

There was another Ghostface out there... The one he saw the night of the attacks, that boy who scared him. He was out there, and how long would it be until he saw Tara's name on the news? He sat in his apartment, clutching his legs. He was meant to go to class yesterday, but he skipped it. He had a work shift in a couple hours, and he continued doing the same thing. 

Y/N slumped further into his chair, slowly dialling a number on his phone. 

"This is the voicemail service for... Tara Carpenter—well, it was. I have a new phone now! Please leave a message after the tone. *Beep*"

"Hey, Tara. It's Y/N. I don't know whether you still own this phone, but please call me back or text me your new number. I miss you a lot. Please, just ask Sam to hear me out." He pleaded with the phone, yet he knew it wouldn't answer back. Why would she? She'd moved on by now, and he was sure of it. All because of something he didn't do. That night, Samantha scared him. He didn't try to protect Richie; he hated that motherfucker. He just didn't want to see Sam go down a dark path. But look where that led him—down his own dark path. 

Nobody around him—not his friends, not his family, not even the one person he wished he could see more than anything—was Tara. To him, this was officially rock bottom. He got into his cashier uniform and slumped to his workplace. New York was busy at this time of night. He passed many groups of people, some of whom he recognised. When from around a corner popped a familiar face. Chad, walking across the road, rushed after him, but as he crossed over, Chad was nowhere to be seen. 

Elsewhere in New York.

"Sam, Please... I just want to see if there are any messages." Tara begged, and Sam simply ignored her, going back to cooking. 

"As I've told you, I still don't trust him. If after a year nothing happens, then okay." She replied before flipping an omelette, "Why don't you try finding someone else? Like Quinn, she's happy not dating." 

"Because... I would like to be able to speak to the guy who saved my life 3 times. Ugh! You're so controlling!" Tara walked off, slamming the door behind her. They'd moved to New York around 2 weeks ago. Both of them wanted a new start. Apparently, Sam really meant fresh; she'd taken Tara's Sim card. Saying that she "had to prioritise Tara's safety if Tara wouldn't." It was bullsh*t reasoning. It's more like Sam didn't like Y/N and, as such, didn't want him around Tara. 

She'd tried Y/N on all social media, but for some reason she couldn't remember his second name. What a girlfriend she was, she told herself. A knock reached her door. It was Chad and Mindy, both telling Tara to come get food. All four sat around the table, Omelette for each; their conversation was at a halt. The group seemed different; Chad wasn't his bubbly self as much. Mndy seemed normal, however. 

"Yeah so.. I met my new neighbours today. Well, one of them—the other—didn't come out of his room all night. Ethan was nice enough; I'm thinking of camping out until the other shows his face." Chad joked, trying to start a conversation; everyone, however, gave an awkward giggle before tucking in again. Mindy seemed to grow angry in her seat before she eventually chose to speak. 

"What's the matter with you all? You've been miserable since we left Woodsboro." She asked, and Sam shugged. She'd never been more happy than right now. It took a minute before Tara spoke up. 

"I miss him; I feel like even being here now is betraying him. We were his friends, and we left him to the wolves." She whispered, It was loud enough for the others to hear. 

"I heard him today. I heard him shout my name. I ran back to see if it was him, but it was some workmen. Sam... I don't question you often, but I don't think Y/N did anything wrong. He's stuck up for me since I was a kid." Chad questioned. 

"I know what I saw... He looked remorseful and scared when he saw Richie die. What other reason could there be?" Sam raised her voice. She seemed to be over talking about Y/N. The group grew into a stunned silence again. 

6 months later... 

Y/N had fucked it. Completely fucked it. No job. His college professor failed him. Everything was gone. Down the drain, nothing turned out right for him. He just hated everything, everyone. At the end of the day, Y/N's life was nearly over. He had plans to end it. He'd leave Tara a voicemail saying goodbye, tell her he loved her, and then jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. It had been planned for weeks. Ever since the Gale book came out, it has made his life even worse. Therefore, he stood, looking at the waves crash against the rocks. He found it somewhat peaceful, and at this point, he'd already sent the voicenote. He stood up. There was nothing he could do now. He walked towards the edge. 

* Ring * * Ring * 

Unknown Caller ID

Elsewhere in New York

Sam had just left her therapist as the phone buzzed. It was Tara's old one. She'd listened to all Y/N's messages before. For 6 months, he begged for contact. Each time, Sam deleted the message. This one was different, however. He usually calls around 12, never at night, but it was now 5pm. She picked up the voicemail and listened to it. 

"Hello, Tara. I-I... A year... Man, I just don't think I can anymore. I've given up hope since G-G... that book. People stop me in the street. Call me a murderer; I just... I can't. I think this is goodbye. In fact, I know this is goodbye. Tonight, I plan to jump from a bridge. Tell Sam, Once she hears about my death, I never held a grudge. I understand she was scared for your safety, just as I was. Goodbye, Tara; I love you. Always did. Y/N." The voicemail stopped. Sam felt tears run down her face. She'd ruined his life. What had she done?... She rushed home as fast as she could. She slung her bag on the counter. 

"Quinn! where's Tara?"Sam shouted, and Quinn popped her head around the door. 

"Don't get mad," Quinn asked, and Sam shook her head. 

"I really don't have time," Sam replied. 

"It looks like you already are... She went to the Omega Capa Beta party," Quinn revealed. 

"I begged her not to go to that... I have to go." Sam quickly rushed out her door.


Y/N answered his phone cautiously. "Hello?" 

Deep breathing came through the other end. "Yo! L/N right? From Cali? It's Jason from the film." 

"Oh, Hello." Y/N breathed a sign of relief. 

"Hey, dude, I was just checking if you wanted to come to the OCB tonight? I know you've had a rough time with women recently," Jason laughed. 

"No... I'm okay, you know. I'm-um busy..." Y/N replied that he went to put the phone down. 

"Jason!" A voice came through the other end. Y/N could recognise it a mile off. It was Tara."Are you and Greg going to come to the OKB party?"

"If Greg finishes his Spanish project in time,. I was just asking L/N to come. Idk if you two have met." Jason replied, Tara remembered that name but not where it came from. 

"I'll be there," Y/N shouted into the phone.

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